Thursday, March 3, 2011

I Cant See My Friend Requests On Oovoo

Ubuntu and truecrypt: device-mapper: remove ioctl failed check

Who among the hang of Ubuntu Truecrypt volumes, the message "device-mapper: remove ioctl failed: Device or resource busy Command failed" gets, can make do in the following way.

Step 1
enter in the command line:

sudo sh-c "echo 'xfs'>> / etc / modules"

That leads to the fact that after the always restart the XFS kernel module is loaded, which then leads the integration of new TrueCrypt volume means that they can hang back and simply.
already mounted volumes must be separated necessarily hard.
Who does not want to wait for the restart leads, in addition the following command to the module immediately (but only in the current session) to integrate.

sudo modprobe xfs

whom it has helped, please leave a quick comment there.

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Frostbite Dogs Paws Black

Audio CD Ripping in Ubuntu

A short tutorial on how to convert an audio CD into MP3s on Ubuntu.

Step 1
enter in the command line:

sudo apt-get install sound-juicer

Step 2
then found at
Applications> Sound & Video> Audio CD Extractor

Step 3 Configure the screenshot to see:
Step 4
Then you go.
the button "Extract" it converts the audio CD from MP3s.
The ripped files can be found in the home directory under "Music".

please leave a quick comment because if someone has helped. Can you make it so during the ribs. ;)

PS: Please respect the copyrights.