Sunday, October 23, 2005

Funny Issues To Write About

JavaXMLGuiBuilder now supports Explorer and Outlook Style

The Java XML GuiBuilder ( release of 06.04.2005 ), are specified with the interface design in many projects, now supports tasks in the style of Windows Explorer and Outlook. Even simple but attractive button bars are possible.

The new features are the possibilities for the specification of surfaces, as it were possible in previous versions of the GuiBuilder of tree structures in order to expand modern elements.

The following excerpt from an XML specification file a window is created (\u0026lt;Form>) and then a bar (\u0026lt;OutlookBar>) with the section (\u0026lt;Folders>) generated. This section is specified by a button (\u0026lt;OutlookBarButton>) with the title "Welcome" and an icon.

is in the Outlook Bar, the "Welcome" selected by the user, so be on the right side of the window, the title "Welcome Folders" and a text field (\u0026lt;Text>) called "Input 1" is displayed.

<Form label="Demo Outlook Bar">
<OutlookBar size="100,200">
<OutlookBarTab label="Folders">
<OutlookBarButton label="Welcome" img="images/welcome32x32.png">
<Title label="Folders Welcome"/>
<Text label="Eingabe1:"/>
\u0026lt;/ OutlookBar>
\u0026lt;/ form>
\u0026lt;/ GDL>

A complete XML example ( ) generated in GuiBuilder the above known Outlook style interface. Here you can start it by JavaWebStart ( ).

task pane, as used by Windows Explorer, with the GuiBuilder also possible. These are the new tags \u0026lt;TaskPane>, \u0026lt;TaskPaneTab> and \u0026lt;TaskPaneButton> introduced. These tags are similar to the Outlook Bar used. An excerpt from an XML file that implements the example in the Outlook-style in an Explorer-style:

\u0026lt;Form label="Demo TaskPane">
\u0026lt;TaskPaneTab label="File and Folder Tasks" img="images/tasks-email.png" tt="EMail">
\u0026lt;TaskPaneButton label = "Send by Email" img = "images / tasks-email.png>
\u0026lt;Title label="Welcome"/>
\u0026lt;Text label="Eingabe1:"/>
\u0026lt;/ TaskPaneButton>
\u0026lt;/ TaskPaneTab>
\u0026lt;/ TaskPane>
\u0026lt;form />
\u0026lt;/ GDL>

a complete example of problem areas, such as those from the Windows Explorer is known, specified with the following XML file ( ). You can download the sample from JavaWebStart here: .

The button bar is specified with the tags and \u0026lt;ButtonBar> \u0026lt;ButtonBarButton> by the same principle. For the complete example of such a specification file, see and can load it via the following link by JavaWebStart: .

Wednesday, October 12, 2005

Ap Biology Laboratory 8

new home of the blogs

've changed ... my blog is now here ...

Wednesday, October 5, 2005

For Sale Waveguide Cover In Usa

Here we go!

The Sprinter is packed, everything ready ... start the tour to Krelingen ...

Monday, October 3, 2005

Used Powered Paragliders

to do much about suffering

This week will be our seminar on father's house in Krelingen . It logged more than 400 people, total super ... so are the hours filled with preparations for this conference. Is certainly a super day!
I drive already very early on Thursday morning to prepare everything. Looking forward, especially on Sprinter driving! There are little niceties, also what special.

start our morning Ichthys again after the summer break, I'm curious how many children come for. Today we have already started with the visiting service and met many children who enjoy the right ...

Monday, September 26, 2005

Floor Tall Candle Holders


On Saturday we had another horscht about: suffering - why does God allow all this? It was really an exhausting horscht, have happened in the run many smaller and bigger things in the personal environment by some staff that cost really a lot of power. At the same time we have gesprüt but also how God blesses it as fat. We met again late on Friday evening to pray and it was really noticeable, things like God then had in his hand. The
horscht was a big hit, as many people as ever before, quite a lot of classmates and friends of our young people were all there. We were thrilled and grateful to God!

Monday, September 19, 2005

How Much Ia A Quad 4x4

IGW Conference

As IGW student take part each year at the IGW Conference, which this year took place in Aarau in free Christian community there. The theme was "lived spirituality", which was handled by various speakers such as Peyer's Fritz Müller Jens Kaldewey .
particularly pleasing was certainly that some students from Basel this year received her degree, who started with me at the time ... well in a year I'm it.

Frostbite Or Wind Burn On Toddler Cheek


This morning I sit in my new office and it's a dream full of sunshine - but when I look at my desk, waiting for a busy day

Tuesday, September 13, 2005

Mandingo With White Wife

Maintenance - proposed definition for software engineering

Use of the terms care and maintenance is carried out in software engineering is not always in a consistent manner. This is probably due to the fact that the dominant English language in general use both terms in "Maintenance" sums up.

Under maintenance in the strict sense in the software technique to locate and correct understanding of residual errors, ie the removal of such errors, which were before the introduction of the software product not found more and / or no longer fixed. Thus, the maintenance is to be regarded as a "remaining work" of development (see Balzert, H.: Handbook of Software Technology, Volume I, 1996, Spektrum-Verlag, p. 967). Since during the maintenance errors can arise, are the elimination of these "second-level defects" and other measures to stabilize the technical part of the software product maintenance.

In general, the software is delivered, without that all possible and reasonable Measures have been implemented to improve performance. It is usually limited to the absolutely necessary measures to take on the software product as quickly as possible in production. This means that the maintenance by extension, develop the technical optimization of the system includes.

Both aspects collectively, the term software maintenance, defined in Wikipedia as: "In software engineering, the term maintenance and services to maintain the availability and reliability of software. Maintenance of software is making a significant contribution to the security of investment "(, accessed on: 13/09/2005, Online at: ).

This definition implies that there is a state which is guaranteed in the availability and reliability of the software and the related investment. This state of things will usually neglected in definitions of software engineering, but it forms the core in the lt for industrial DIN 31051 provided for the definition of maintenance: "measures to maintain the desired state of technical means of a system (DIN 31051, Part 1 / 12.74). It seems important that it starts at the set state of the DIN, a once defined, as set out Target state is.

Due to changes in the environment of the system (eg through new system software) can set a new state, relative to default result defined desired state. To identify action resulting from it, it is necessary to determine the discrepancies. serves this purpose (according to) the inspection, during which the actual state of a system is identified and assessed.

The concept of repair is signified by the DIN "measures to restore the desired state of a system of technical means" (ibid.).

the concept of repair DIN should have in mind when one of software engineering in the established concept of "care" more detailed consideration. Balzert include the adjustment and modification of the software system to changing environmental conditions, and the extension (ie, functional addition for professional or technical reasons) as functions of care (see Balzert, H.: Handbook of Software Technology, Volume I, 1996, Spektrum-Verlag, p. 967f. and p. 969). At the same time he warns against running in the care and maintenance phase of a software system's development. What is of (such as in evolutionary process models) for the next version of the product, another pass through the software life cycle rather reasonable and the maintenance phase should focus on minimal changes.

Assuming a maintenance phase, which focuses on small changes, one could describe the adjustment and modification of the software system to changing environmental conditions than care. The expansion and additional counts will no longer care. Thus, the concept of care to the concept of repair as per DIN would correspond, so that you can define: Software maintenance includes all actions to restore the desired state of a software system due to changing environmental conditions.

In connection with software maintenance are introduced by the ISO 12207 different types of software maintenance:
  • corrective maintenance - for the elimination of errors

  • Adaptive maintenance - adapting the software to changing conditions and technical

  • peferktionierende maintenance - to complete and the Improvement of functions.
In addition, sometimes even in the prevention of distinguished fault preventive maintenance (to, visited on: 13.09.2005, online at: ).

Corrective maintenance would correspond to the maintenance concept, as he was already defined above. Adaptive maintenance corresponds to the concept of care, which was defined here in accordance with the repair. The development of the system is to be regarded as perfect their maintenance. Without reference is preventive, preventive maintenance error.

summary, add a definition for the term here, given the care and maintenance of established standards of ISO and DIN and not collide with the previously soft terminology of software engineering. Therefore the following definition proposed for the terms "maintenance" is (syn. "Software Maintenance") and "care" (syn. "Software Maintenance") provided:

Maintenance: All measures to maintain the defined desired state of a software system by troubleshooting, technical stabilization and performance improvement to maintain the availability, reliability and investment protection.

Maintenance: All measures for the restoration of the defined desired state of a software system due to changing environmental conditions by slight adjustment of already implemented functions to maintain the availability, reliability and investment protection. introduce

Monday, September 12, 2005

Group Homes For Seniors

Ichthys staff

Today we return to school started and it starts the annual opening prayer at the school. Our children's program during the week " Ichthys " we work exclusively with young people who are still in school. can
However, since the schedules change every year, there is always an uncertainty, even those who join on Tuesday afternoon.

But God sees it and he also looks like our team this year ... but from an employee I know that is not a school week - that's already a beginning

09/19/2005 Update: So slowly scans the Timetable chaos. Yes, unfortunately it is true that some people no longer have time on Tuesday afternoon, but others have re miteinzusteigen time. It means in any case, again look for new employees to fill the gaps. However, I am so thankful God that is so, because it could have been much worse. Thank God!

Sunday, September 11, 2005

Cake For A Hair Stylist

Yesterday was a brilliant day. We had lunch at my in-law, the evening at the baptism of my little sister Judith Weingarten at Karlsruhe. It is there in a Liebenzeller Community there with her husband and makes youth work.
full funny that such a community also now make the big baptism also.

drove around 21.30 clock Moni and I moved to Karlsruhe in the DM-Arena to the boxing match Regina Halmich - dabeizusein Maria Jesus Rosa. Marc Hönes had organized tickets from a friend, and the hammer was:
the Logenplätzew were real, that we were right behind the judges and had the best view in the ring.

morning we heard from other people from the community, that we briefly in warn television see ... cool, I was able to incorporate into my presentation today in church ...
is otherwise today announced first ... little loose sleep

Tuesday, September 6, 2005

Discjuggler Problem Reboot System

was yesterday on television for those who have not visited so far back in Neuchâtel

have made a picture showing my new office. I have to work to find totally awesome, this may.
The rest of the way home is also very nice, but for that you need to come over ...

Friday, September 2, 2005

Remington Mcs For Sale

back in Neuchâtel
After an exciting tour of Berlin, which consists to a large extent Visit H & M , Six shop, clothing stores and the like was, we are happy and satisfied landed in Neuchâtel.
In addition to these shops, we also saw some tourist attractions of Berlin. But a nice vacation around final in our capital. Housed
we were with my uncle in Woltersdorf in Conference and Training Centre of EC . There they have to say nice accommodations

Now again start slowly, with study for me and Moni school preparation ... just yet should last move remains to be removed.

Wednesday, August 24, 2005

Longer And Darker Lashes Naturally

greetings from rostock

we're in the internet cafe in rostock. we enjoyed our holiday here and the weather is nice, at least not as rainy in the south.
are now equal to the sea, yeah :-)

Saturday's seminar in güstrow

Sunday, August 21, 2005

Astrostrat Car Starter

in the holiday actually

we drive off in a few hours ... a week's holiday in Meck-Pom, on Saturday a father's house conference in Güstrow, even then three days in our capital city ...
Hopefully better weather than back here ... but it is a good time to do nothing and just relax, read Bible ... and maybe bathe in the icy lake :-)

Until then

Friday, August 19, 2005

How Much Fat Does Stewed Beef Have

locking in Subversion 1.2 (svn: needs-lock)

The possibility a pessimistic locking, is seen as one of the main new feature of Subversion 1.2 - in particular distinguishes the Subversion of CVS.

But how to enable this locking in Subversion?

example, there are three ways to use this locking:
first Locking file manually for exactly one second set
Locking manually at the moment for all existing files in the repository share
third Loching Standradverhalten as for the entire repository to enable

one hand there is the possibility of individual files (such as binary files for the default merge approach does not work) to be provided with the lock. Then the property svn: needs-lock set.

Re 2) You also can
all files of a repository's assign these properties. This example, so (if Subversion svn: / / can be reached.) Svn: / / localhost / TestRepository ein_unterverzeichnis

D: \\ bsp_projekt> svn co url Unknown URL Scheme for 'url: / / localhost / TestRepository'

D: \\ bsp_projekt> svn co svn: / / localhost / TestRepository ein_unterverzeichnis
A ein_unterverzeichnis \\ Testbild.jpg
A ein_unterverzeichnis \\ Word document.doc
A ein_unterverzeichnis \\ text document. txt
A ein_unterverzeichnis \\ Word Dokument2.doc
Checked out revision 13

D: \\ bsp_projekt dir>
disk in drive D is DATA Volume Serial Number

Directory of D: \\ bsp_projekt

17:08:05 23:24 \u0026lt;DIR>.
17:08:05 23:24 \u0026lt;DIR> ..
17:08:05 23:24 \u0026lt;DIR> Ein_unterverzeichnis
3 file (s) 0 bytes
12,476,518,400 bytes free

D: \\ bsp_projekt> cd ein_unterverzeichnis

D: \\ bsp_projekt \\ ein_unterverzeichnis dir>
disk in drive D is DATA Volume Serial Number

Directory of D: \\ bsp_projekt \\ ein_unterverzeichnis

17:08:05 23:24 \u0026lt;DIR>.
17:08:05 23:24 \u0026lt;DIR> ..
17:08:05 23:24 74 482 Testbild.jpg
17:08:05 23:24 380 Text Document.txt
17:08:05 23:24 24 064 Word document.doc
17:08:05 23:24 24 064 Dokument2.doc
Word 6 file (s) 12,476,518,400 bytes free 122 990 bytes

D: \\ bsp_projekt \\ ein_unterverzeichnis> cd ..

D: \\ bsp_projekt> svn propset-R svn: needs-lock yes ein_unterverzeichnis
property 'svn: needs-lock' (recursive) for 'ein_unterverzeichnis' set

D: \\ bsp_projekt> svn ci-m ein_unterverzeichnis "set needs : lock property to all files in repository ". Send
ein_unterverzeichnis \\ Testbild.jpg
transmission ein_unterverzeichnis \\ Text Document.txt
transmission ein_unterverzeichnis \\ Word document.doc
transmission ein_unterverzeichnis \\ Word Dokument2.doc
Committed revision 14th

D: \\ bsp_projekt>

For other installations, for example via WebDAV with http:// or https: / / URL must also be changed accordingly: / / or via a local file directory. After using the wrong URL scheme, you get the error message: "svn: Unrecognized URL scheme for 'url: / / localhost / TestRepository'."

to 3)
not order for each new file added to the repository, the needs-lock property to be set manually, there is a third possibility. It is the configuration Subversion amended, is amended in the [auto-props] PROPERTIES.

is a variant of this possibility is the file "config", which is abegelet under the application data of the user profile match. On Windows NT, this file (for a user named "Doe" at C: / WINNT / Profiles / Foo / Application Data / Subversion / at Windows 2000 and Windows XP at the points

In this.. config file must be in the [miscellany] of the existing, but commented out entry enable-auto-props = yes be activated by the comment character # is removed.

In addition, in the file section CONIFG [auto-props] inserts a new entry that reads as follows:
* = svn: needs-lock = true . The star is * wildcard and stands for all files. If only a certain file type is provided with the locking improve the transfer, this must be adapted accordingly (eg "*. doc").

excerpt from a sample file:

# # # This file configures various client-side behaviors.
# # # # # # The
commented-out examples below are intended to Demonstrate
# # # how to use this file.


# # # Section for configuring miscelleneous Subversion options.
### Set global-ignores to a set of whitespace-delimited globs
### which Subversion will ignore in its 'status' output.
# global-ignores = *.o *.lo *.la #*# .*.rej *.rej .*~ *~ .#* .DS_Store
### Set log-encoding to the default encoding for log messages
# log-encoding = latin1
### Set use-commit-times to make checkout/update/switch/revert
### put last-committed timestamps on every file touched.
# use-commit-times = yes
### Set no-unlock to prevent 'svn commit' from automatically
### releasing locks on files.
# no-unlock = yes
### Set enable-auto-props to 'yes' to enable automatic properties
### for 'svn add' and 'svn import', it defaults to 'no'.
### Automatic properties are defined in the section 'auto-props'.
enable-auto-props = yes

### Section for configuring automatic properties.
### The format of the entries is:
### file-name-pattern = propname[=value][;propname[=value]...]
### The file-name-pattern can contain wildcards (such as '*' and
### '?'). All entries which match will be applied to the file.
### Note that auto-props functionality must be enabled, which
### is typically done by setting the 'enable-auto-props' option.
* = svn: needs-lock = true


Other variants of these possibilities (eg adjustment of the Windows registry instead of the config file), click the SVN book in Chapter 7 ( here / svn.advanced.props.html ).
and ( in here # svn.advanced.confarea.opts.config )
is recommended in any case, a look at the (German version) TortoiseSVN documentation at , p. 73 section 5.18.5)

Monday, August 15, 2005

Brazilian Wax In Charleston Sc

Subversion Branch lost between RapidSVN and TortoiseSVN

Can it be that RapidSVN a branch that you have created with TortoiseSVN, correctly recognized? I have created with TortoiseSVN a new branch for a Word file. Subversion 1.2.1 running on my computer 1 In TortoiseSVN Explorer (version 1.2.1) of the Branch is on my machine2 (the svn repository on the computer 1 on: / / accesses) properly. I switch on computer 2 with a switch between the branches back and forth. I'm with RapidSVN (on computer 3 in version 0.7.0) an update on the repository of computer 1, then both Word documents (one per branch) is locally provided. The information about the documents angehöhren a common branch seems have gone in RapidSVN lost.

Sunday, July 31, 2005

Dimension For Shot Put Area

multiple RSS / Atom feeds for a nine-feed combine

The feeds for the eGovernment blog and the software technology blog on my homepage ( have been combined with FeedJumbler

use the JavaScript version, parameters can be specified, that the appearance of the feed (date, headers / full contributions, ...) can be configured. For example, so:

\u0026lt;script language="javascript" Here src="">
\u0026lt; ; / script>

The description of the possible parameters can be found here:

side JavaScript using the FeedJumbler by iFrame and HTML is possible.

The formatting of CSS works with JavaScript as well as with the HTML integration:

Blog Title: class = "fjtitle"
Post Title: class = "fjitemtitle"
post body: class = "fjitembody"
post-footer: class = "fjitemfooter"
separation between two posts: class = "fjitemseparator"
footer of the blog: class = "fjfooter"

Can I See My Ontario Immunization Records Online?

My Software Technology Blog

wants this software technology blog I report in addition to my e-Government Blog ( on topics related to software technology: ideas and findings of concepts, methods and tools.