Sunday, May 3, 2009

Sharp Pain In Back Above Waist On Left Side

Europe, not without us - can succeed as the civil project

Efler, Michael Haefner, Gerald / Huber, Roman Vogel, Percy et al. (2009): Europe: not without us! : Problems and Ways of Democracy in the European Union. Hamburg: VSA-Verlag. € 9.80

The democratization of the EU is the focus of the book by Michael Efler, Gerald Häfner, Roman Huber and Percy bird by the Association eV more democracy ". The club is aware that it called for more citizen participation, the introduction of the nationwide vote will be held in Germany, the modern electoral process and freedom of information begins. Goal is a vibrant democracy and a political culture that dialogue and citizen participation is encouraging. This is exactly what can not see "more democracy" to the EU. Thus, the debate on the Lisbon Treaty without the citizens being waged. Clear comment: "This can not go well. Rather, this is just foreclose the debate to the people in Europe and the one-sided communication, led to this on television and media, speeches, a secure Condition for their failure. " (7)
This, however, the authors do not settle. Because "democracy is a precious commodity. Generations have fought for and for them. " (7)
The authors present a very fair way of European integration is up to the Lisbon Treaty, describing it as a process in which "the people gradually taken their role '(39 ) were. This can not satisfy. The Lisbon Treaty, according to the authors, but only at first glance more democratic than the current system with its opaque, incomprehensible Regulations. It is now prevailing opinion that the Lisbon Treaty 'content difficult to understand "is. Rightly, the authors comment: "We think lack of understanding for a permissible reason to vote against a motion, for comprehensibility is an important prerequisite for democracy." (39) As was already "the way, was taken to reform and ratification of treaties, a gradual rejection of democracy" (41) have been. The positive aspects of reform were not enough a yes the Brgerinnen and citizens as rationally compelling display "(41) - on the contrary:" As a result, the EU is not democratic, but less democratic since. "(39) left
the authors but not with critics. They make concrete proposals which may be as impotent spectators of the EU policy actively contributing citizens - in the sense of the principle that all government authority emanates from the people in Europe.
A central element is a Democratic Convention for future treaty reform EU Treaties (118-119). This Convention shall be directly elected. In addition, each of the new draft treaty in referendums to be put to the vote. This would allow citizens the last word. It is "the shift of responsibility from the governments of competence to its citizens" (119). As a positive example, the constitutional reform of the Swiss canton of Zurich 1999 is cited to 2006. "The work of the Convention should be made more democratic and transparent to all members of the Assembly and outside." (121)
Also in the Question of responsibility, the authors have clear proposals. They plead for a federal system worthy of the name: "From our perspective, it would be important and useful to make a significant decentralization of powers and to define the borders of the EU clear. So completely in line with the subsidiarity concept would ensure that skills are always perceived by the smallest possible unit, so that domestic federal levels have sufficient powers further. (155)
This is perhaps one of the main points at all. This would allow the identification with the EU will improve significantly.
The authors are very creative. So they want to give people the right to propose European laws themselves (right of initiative, 156) "and to decide in a referendum (decision rights). Also contends that the citizens have a right to veto laws of the European Parliament and of the States Chamber (optional referendum), "future changes of the EU reform treaty would even be required to referendum made. (156)
addition, the European judges are chosen in order to strengthen their independence. The reforms went against all the expense of the Commission. To be elected by the EP and perform mostly administrative duties.
All reforms are under the premise of a greater participation of citizens, a better separation of powers. The vision of the book is the democratic Europe.
The current crisis of legitimacy of the European Union forces you to put the question of democratic reform in Europe again. "Europe: not without us," provides substantial contributions to democratization and greater legitimacy for the project of Europe, which is consistent with sustainable peace in Europe without alternative. The book is recommended without qualification as a basis for discussion.

© Armin king 2009