Friday, March 26, 2010

Everyday Minerals Size Grams

Tomcat admin over SSL / https from Ant build (catalina-ant.jar) call

I have secured an SVN repository with SSL, so that only via https: / / server / svn / repo could be accessed. For this I include the SSL certificate itself is created and installed in Apache. This was (as always) straightforward and works well.
The developers and testers only had the first call to the new SVN URL confirm the certificate. (Because it was self-generated, it was the default being not to be safe.) Then was the standard work possible again.
The surprise came when the nightly build failed. He reported in [undeploy] Target:

[undeploy] PKIX path building failed: unable to find valid certification path to requested target

The message is not very user friendly. But obviously there was a problem with the certificate. This error message can be found on Google a lot of ways to fix it. They relate to but generally the use by Tomcat, not to use the catalina ant.jar.
What do you have to fix it within the ant build?

first Check which version of Java is used for the build: It sounds as if that would be granted. But if multiple Java versions on the build server installed, you must exactly the kind of find that is actually used.

second The certificate shall provide that should be used: It is the Apache server (eg, / etc/apache2/ssl.crt/beispiel.crt ) and must be copied if necessary to the build server.

third Charging with the keytool certificate in a trusted certificate store:
> keytool-keystore / path / to / java / jre / lib / security / my-certs-import-alias-file beispiel.crt-trustcacerts

4th The environment variable ANT_OPTS share: Before calling ant , the environment variable ANT_OPTS be set so that the new certificate store is used. For example, this:

export ANT_OPTS = " = / path / to / java / jre / lib / security / my-certs"
ant-f build.xml-
my ...

5th Build start: This should work now.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Pennsylvania Driver License Template

checkboxes of XSL-FO to PDF

checkboxes in XSL-FO insert is easily possible Unicode. However, they are in the generation of PDF not automatically correct. The following XSL-FO provides for example the following PDF file:

 \u0026lt;? Xml version = "1.0" encoding = "UTF-8"?> 
\u0026lt;for: root xmlns: for = "http://>
<fo:simple-page-master master-name="A4" page-width="210mm" page-height="297mm">
<fo:region-body region-name="region-body" margin="2cm"/>
<fo:page-sequence master-reference="A4">
<fo:flow flow-name="region-body">
<fo:block>Boxes from XSL-FO to PDF</fo:block>
\u0026lt;fo:block> & # x2610; Box \u0026lt;/ for: block>
\u0026lt;fo:block> & # x2611; box checked \u0026lt;/ for: block>
\u0026lt;for: block > & # x2612; x-marked box \u0026lt;/ for: block>
\u0026lt;/ for: block>
\u0026lt;/ for: flow>
\u0026lt;/ for: page-sequence>
\u0026lt;/ for : root>

The check boxes are missing PDF document. Why? The PDF generation will make use of the standard fonts that are in PDF format. However, no Unicode support you and, therefore, the checkboxes substitute them with # dar. One can imagine the embedded fonts in the properties of the PDF document on the Fonts tab to display. to show (in the Adobe Reader under File> Properties ...)

To Unicode characters in PDF, you must have a Unicode font that is embedded in the PDF. This raises two questions: first

Question: How do I write in XSL-FO that a Unicode font to use?
second Question: How do I tell these FOP Font embedding into PDF?

answer to question 1:
would spontaneously fall back to first, perhaps to "Arial Unicode MS standard." This font is available on many Windows operating systems because it comes with Microsoft Office. Then would the XSL-FO code look like to set this font:

\u0026lt;fo:block> Boxes from XSL-FO to PDF \u0026lt;/ for: block>
\u0026lt;for: block font-family = "ArialUnicodeMS" > & # x2610; Box \u0026lt;/ for: block>
\u0026lt;for: block font-family = "ArialUnicodeMS" > & # x2611; box checked \u0026lt;/ for: block>
\u0026lt;fo:block font-family="ArialUnicodeMS" > & # x2612; x-box marked \u0026lt; ; / for: block>
\u0026lt;/ for: block>

ArialUnicodeMS Then, when the font in the PDF file is embedded with (see answer to question 2 below), provides the result in this:

This looks just fine but: The check boxes are there and the font is embedded. That was no big surprise, right? The surprise But come now, for Arial Unicode MS is under license of Agfa Monotype Corporation. and may not be freely copied (see In the file properties of ARIALUNI.TTF can read this license condition also

My understanding of the license agreement, is that you can not embed Arial Unicode MS pass into PDF documents. In order to avoid any such license problem, you should therefore find a free alternative to Arial Unicode MS.

A good alternative is the project "Free UCS Outline Fonts" (see ). Under the GNU General Public License v3 are different fonts available. If one uses the font free mono it would look like in XSL-FO by:

\u0026lt;fo:block> Boxes from XSL-FO to PDF \u0026lt;/ for: block>
\u0026lt;for: block font-family = "mono free" > & # x2610; Box \u0026lt;/ for: block>
\u0026lt;fo:block font-family="FreeMono" > & # x2611; box checked \u0026lt;/ for: block>
\u0026lt;fo:block font-family="FreeMono" > & # x2612; X-marked box \u0026lt;/ for: block>
\u0026lt;/ for: block>
Then, when the free mono-font in the PDF file is embedded, the result looks like this:

The check boxes are now displayed in the PDF file and the free font free mono is embedded, so there should be no licensing issues as in the Arial Unicode MS. (That being said, it's time for the answer to question 2)

answer to question 2: To change the font
free mono (or other) embedded in the PDF, the following three steps are necessary.

  • Step 1 - Create a font metrics file from the TrueType font file FreeMono.ttf
  • Step 2 - Create a FOP configuration file that controls the embedding of the font
  • Step 3 - Calling FOP using the produced
from the TrueType font file must FreeMono.ttf a font metrics file: Configuration file

step 1. The following call creates the file freemono.xml:

 java-cp% CLASSPATH% org.apache.fop.fonts.apps.TTFReader FreeMono.ttf freemono.xml 

Step 2: The
Font Metrics file must be included in a FOP configuration. This is the following example assumes that below. \\ Lib the fop.jar, the following configuration file, the True Type Font Metrics File FreeMono.ttf and file are freemono.xml. Here is an example of the fop-config.xml file:

 \u0026lt;xml version = "1.0"?> 
\u0026lt;fop version="1.0">
\u0026lt;base>. / lib \u0026lt;/ base>
\u0026lt;source-resolution> 72 \u0026lt;/ source-resolution>
\u0026lt;target-resolution> 72 \u0026lt;/ target-resolution>
\u0026lt;default-page-settings height="297mm" width="210mm"/>
; \u0026lt;renderer mime="application/pdf">
; \u0026lt;value> flate \u0026lt;/ value>
\u0026lt;filter / list> ;!
\u0026lt;- Here Free Unicode fonts of the project Free UCS outline fonts are used ( see
                <font metrics-url="fop-freemono.xml" kerning="yes" embed-url="FreeMono.ttf">
                    <font-triplet name="FreeMono" style="normal" weight="normal"/>
        \u0026lt;/ Renderer>
\u0026lt;/ renderers>
\u0026lt;/ fop>

says now is also from where came the answer to Question 1 the name of the font-family. He is the property of the specified font-triplet.

Step 3: Using
To the FOP configuration file, it must be specified when calling FOP as parameters: java-jar

 \\ lib \\ fop.jar-c \\ lib \\ fop-config.. . xml output-with-boxes.pdf 

further details in answer to question 2 may be found.