Uhhuh. NMI received for unknown reason a1 on CPU 0 Ubuntu tended, with the following error message in the "from looking at" in / var / log freeze.
Uhhuh. NMI received for unknown reason a1 on CPU 0th
Uhhuh. NMI received for unknown reason a0 on CPU 0th
I use a Thinkpad T60 with Radeon X1400 graphics card on Ubuntu 10.10.
For me it was a huge problem because the laptop I do not play or surf use, but also in order to give presentations. In order to debug the error at all, I had to install the kernel log daemon, which then all the kernel messages when you crash and start the file "/ var / log / kern.log" logged. Installs
he is with
sudo apt-get install klogd
I was on the launch pad following article carefully describes the NMI problems on other systems.
It seems that it has to do with the energy saving feature of the new kernel generations, which is described here:
means it is up to Devices that switch to energy saving mode.
I was on my Thinkpad T60 can delay the problem, I had hidden, my internal wireless card via the BIOS. However, he then Stuertz still from time to time. I also installed the Advanced Configuration tool "TLP" for Thinkpad laptop and configured it according to my guesses.
I realized it on other devices (such as external hard drives) was that used the ACPI functions.
I've tried to solve the problem following workaround:
first Go to Step
sudo su -
second Step
create directory and script
mkdir scripts
nano scripts / usb-control.sh
third Step
content of the script
# / bin / bash
for i in / sys / bus / usb / devices / * / power / control;! Do echo on> $ i; done
for i in / sys / bus / usb / devices / * / power / autosuspend; do echo -1> $ i; done
for i in / sys / bus / pci / devices / * / power /
control; do echo on> $ i; done
4th Step
The script executable make
chmod + x scripts / usb-control.sh
5th Step
edit crontab for the script under the "root" account is running every 5 minutes.
6th Step
Add the following entry below in the crontab. (Use a value from a tab (tab key))
* / 5 * * * * / root / scripts / usb-control.sh
( So this: * / 5 * tab tab tab * * * tab tab / root / scripts / usb-control.sh)
7th Step
This will now with all USB devices, including the newly set the ACPI suspend Function disabled.
Anyone have any other errors in his "from looking at has, please consider the following entry in the blog.
whom this description, please leave a quick comment so I know that I'm not here for nothing. Hope it helps you as I do. I will in no case more need to change back to Windows.