demonstrated on 14.12.07 with a rally about 50 residents and supporters in front of the headquarters of houses in the collector Padovicz Kurfürstenstr. 178th ..
Thursday, December 20, 2007
Smelly Poo Whilst Taking Iron Tablets
demonstrated on 14.12.07 with a rally about 50 residents and supporters in front of the headquarters of houses in the collector Padovicz Kurfürstenstr. 178th ..
Wednesday, December 12, 2007
Ski Doo Tundra For Sale In Kingston
rally for xb, by and download info liebig34
Come all ...
on Friday 14 December at 15.00 clock in Charlottenburg
Kurfürstenstr.173 to be angry and loud!!
Padovicz a hot winter bring ...
At 12:12:07, there was an article in the newspaper "to the demo
" one struggle, one fight "... in which we have also taken part in numerous
... we come back, no question!
Rising violence-
The left-wing extremist scene is again threatened by militant / Many housing projects of eviction
Andreas Kopietz
After the riots at the weekend in Berlin, the left scene mobilized for a demonstration next Saturday in Hamburg. From Berlin, hundreds of participants to demo against repression "will arrive. The Hamburg Police charged with actions of autonomous militant.
The security authorities believed that the radical left-wing militant scene is currently playing. This was evident in the night of 1 April, when in Friedrichshain Autonomous lit in the squatter scene and the car surprised police did not get the position for hours under control. This is evident since the spring of each week, to burn again when cars because they are expensive, are companies like Siemens or train, and therefore embody the perpetrators of the capitalist system. 111 cars were set on fire this year - three times the previous year. The increased violence was also evident last Saturday during and after a squatter demo for "autonomous spaces" to "Yuppies and investors. "In Mitte, Prenzlauer Berg and Kreuzberg set fire to autonomous cars, pelted police with stones, building barricades. In Kreuzberg throwing discs with banks, a supermarket and McDonald's one.
gave The calls for removing it in some relevant web pages -. but not as sharp as on other occasions the police had initially expected 500 participants in the course of the day they revised their estimate but up actually mobilized the theme of "freedom" then more than 1 500 demonstrators from other.. states traveled. "For certain issues has left the scene is a high capacity for mobilization," said the spokeswoman of Berlin Constitutional protection, Isabelle Kalbitzer.
Berlin in particular has a vibrant squatters. Sure, in the past 15 years, many illegally occupied buildings vacated by the police. Today there is not an "occupied" apartment house anymore because the people have some very good contracts. Nevertheless, many residential projects threatens the eviction, such as in Riga and the Liebig Street in Friedrichshain, the fountain in the middle of road and the occupied side wing of the Bethanien in Kreuzberg. At risk is the wagons "black channel" on the River Spree in Mitte, which is to the media and service quarters soft Media Spree. The police warned the Media Spree manager in a letter that they are "in the focus of the autonomous left scene moved to Berlin "were.
eviction threat of neighboring Köpi. The latter is a Europe-known stronghold of the squatter scene. The 70 residents have been terminated as of May 31, 2008, which caused an international solidarity wave. Police fears that riots could break out at a clearing, like a year ago in Copenhagen. At that time, was cleared of squatters occupied Ungdomshuset what day-long street battles with the result. And so on the website "" to read: "At least since the riots last December in Copenhagen and by the active struggle for Ungdomshuset is in Germany - as auch international - die etwas verschlafene Freiräumebewegung wieder in die Offensive gegangen." Weiter heißt es: "Wir wollen weiter in die Offensive gehen, um für das Fortbestehen unserer Freiräume und die Schaffung neuer Räume zu kämpfen: Der Stadt wieder die Zähne zeigen und klar machen, dass jede Räumung ihren Preis hat!"
Verfassungsschützer und Polizisten halten die Sprüche keineswegs für großspurig. "Ein kleiner Funke reicht aus, um die Szene zu mobilisieren", sagt Helmut Sarwas von der Deutschen Polizeigewerkschaft. "Die Gewaltbereitschaft nimmt zu." Er fürchtet, dass die Polizei mit Krawallen schnell überlastet sein könnte. Seit diesem Monat ist die Bereitschaftspolizei reduced from ten to eight hundreds. Sarwas: "There are nights now where we have no more riot police."
Berliner Zeitung, 12.12.2007

Come all ...
on Friday 14 December at 15.00 clock in Charlottenburg
Kurfürstenstr.173 to be angry and loud!!
Padovicz a hot winter bring ...
At 12:12:07, there was an article in the newspaper "to the demo
" one struggle, one fight "... in which we have also taken part in numerous
... we come back, no question!

Rising violence-
The left-wing extremist scene is again threatened by militant / Many housing projects of eviction
Andreas Kopietz
After the riots at the weekend in Berlin, the left scene mobilized for a demonstration next Saturday in Hamburg. From Berlin, hundreds of participants to demo against repression "will arrive. The Hamburg Police charged with actions of autonomous militant.
The security authorities believed that the radical left-wing militant scene is currently playing. This was evident in the night of 1 April, when in Friedrichshain Autonomous lit in the squatter scene and the car surprised police did not get the position for hours under control. This is evident since the spring of each week, to burn again when cars because they are expensive, are companies like Siemens or train, and therefore embody the perpetrators of the capitalist system. 111 cars were set on fire this year - three times the previous year. The increased violence was also evident last Saturday during and after a squatter demo for "autonomous spaces" to "Yuppies and investors. "In Mitte, Prenzlauer Berg and Kreuzberg set fire to autonomous cars, pelted police with stones, building barricades. In Kreuzberg throwing discs with banks, a supermarket and McDonald's one.
gave The calls for removing it in some relevant web pages -. but not as sharp as on other occasions the police had initially expected 500 participants in the course of the day they revised their estimate but up actually mobilized the theme of "freedom" then more than 1 500 demonstrators from other.. states traveled. "For certain issues has left the scene is a high capacity for mobilization," said the spokeswoman of Berlin Constitutional protection, Isabelle Kalbitzer.
Berlin in particular has a vibrant squatters. Sure, in the past 15 years, many illegally occupied buildings vacated by the police. Today there is not an "occupied" apartment house anymore because the people have some very good contracts. Nevertheless, many residential projects threatens the eviction, such as in Riga and the Liebig Street in Friedrichshain, the fountain in the middle of road and the occupied side wing of the Bethanien in Kreuzberg. At risk is the wagons "black channel" on the River Spree in Mitte, which is to the media and service quarters soft Media Spree. The police warned the Media Spree manager in a letter that they are "in the focus of the autonomous left scene moved to Berlin "were.
eviction threat of neighboring Köpi. The latter is a Europe-known stronghold of the squatter scene. The 70 residents have been terminated as of May 31, 2008, which caused an international solidarity wave. Police fears that riots could break out at a clearing, like a year ago in Copenhagen. At that time, was cleared of squatters occupied Ungdomshuset what day-long street battles with the result. And so on the website "" to read: "At least since the riots last December in Copenhagen and by the active struggle for Ungdomshuset is in Germany - as auch international - die etwas verschlafene Freiräumebewegung wieder in die Offensive gegangen." Weiter heißt es: "Wir wollen weiter in die Offensive gehen, um für das Fortbestehen unserer Freiräume und die Schaffung neuer Räume zu kämpfen: Der Stadt wieder die Zähne zeigen und klar machen, dass jede Räumung ihren Preis hat!"
Verfassungsschützer und Polizisten halten die Sprüche keineswegs für großspurig. "Ein kleiner Funke reicht aus, um die Szene zu mobilisieren", sagt Helmut Sarwas von der Deutschen Polizeigewerkschaft. "Die Gewaltbereitschaft nimmt zu." Er fürchtet, dass die Polizei mit Krawallen schnell überlastet sein könnte. Seit diesem Monat ist die Bereitschaftspolizei reduced from ten to eight hundreds. Sarwas: "There are nights now where we have no more riot police."
Berliner Zeitung, 12.12.2007

Friday, December 7, 2007
Home Skate Sharpening Machines
Behind the scenes ...
Liebig34 - Behind the Scenes
by: Karla Kolumna 07/12/2007
The neighborhood management of the family support village in Friedrichshain
The Women's Lesbian-Trans-house project in the Brunel. 34 and the connected spaces XB-Liebig infoshop and also are in danger. The reason is the need of competent property management mbH Factor Grundstücksentwicklungsgesellchaft the house profitable rent. Andrea Tragsdorf (* 09.11.1962), head of Factor care, personal care of the object that stands together with projects in the past two decades Rigaerstraße an economic appreciation of the Friedrichshain neighborhood in the northern tract. As on 8 wanted to conduct an inspection of the Factor November Liebig34 against the wishes of the residents and users, including Tilo Tragsdorf was present.
Tragsdorf Estate
Tragsdorf wife is busy for her husband since 2000 Tilo Tragsdorf (* 11.23.1961) Factor in things (HRB 60 466, then still Warschauer Strasse 70 A, Warsaw street now 46) stepped in as CEO. This became necessary after the Berlin Friedrichshain former tenant community economic council Tragsdorf for his numerous outside activities and the associated multiple interests related sharply criticized (1). Allegation was the one that he as a Factor managers, managed houses in Friedrichshain and entmietet with dubious practices, craftsmen bounces at maintenance and traders demanded higher rents than were allowed in the redevelopment area. At the same time as part of the district management Boxhagener Supporting village office space for economic and project consulting (BWP - also Warschauer Str 46) since 1999 insidiously employed as a consultant to commercial tenants - to protect against questionable practices of the homeowner in reorganization.
The BWP has since 1995 commissioned by the District Office to take over the domestic space management for the Friedrichshain redevelopment areas, as well as professionals to look after. This package is supporting the village appears to have risen to the head and it does give the borough funded commercial space market (Gewerberaumbö; also Warschauer Str 46) preferably from 1997 Factor-plays and real estate for years in interviews as a city planner from Friedrichshain shopping to (2). Armed with this self-consciousness, his campaign against charming shacks and alternative scene shops, block the coveted commercial premises, to understand: "The future development will be determined by those who are here have their jobs because of the population structure will not, since lack the purchasing power "says Tilo Tragsdorf bluntly in an interview (2).
was initiated by his commercial space market extended to all of East Berlin and runs through the Urban Project, which in turn by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) and the financed Senate Department for Urban development. In Friedrichshain has Tragsdorf on the commercial space market, even the weeks and organic market every Saturday at the place Boxhagener raised (Contact again is the Warschauer Strasse 46 and supporting village fax number).
Factor In self care support since the village is big business over to his wife only to the fish. Among them were dedicated to luxury apartments in Friedrichshain (3). For the real estate business, he uses different company structures. If it does not occur as a factor, BWP or commercial space market, he uses the ominous Agency for Structural Development (c / o BWP; earlier Gundelfinger Straße 49, now also Warschauer Str 46). With the new concept of HOWOGE-commercial building at Lichtenberger Market Street is Tragsdorf example, as the Agency for structural development "rather than otherwise occurred as a BWP. On the peninsula Stralau Tragsdorf acted as old buildings Stralau GmbH (HRB 65 559 B, also Warschauer Str 46) in the purchase and sale of real estate. In early 2007 he has made the company to the couple Dr. Dietmar Schulz-Oral (* 02.13.1962) and Guesin Oral (* 29.05.1960). These operate under a new contact address (Fuggerstr. 26, 10777 Berlin), the company together with A & D Immobiliare Berlin GmbH (HRB 96 245 B). As for supporting village enterprises is about 'buying and selling of real estate, its development and the management of their own land. ". Another company supporting village is the description to this business DAPO mbH, which he first settled in 2005 under the name lucrum property mbH (HRB 63 320 B, also Warschauer Str 46) re-launched. As CEO Tragsdorf sat on 7 November 2007, the United speculators Gijora Padovicz (* 17.5.1952) a. Padovicz owns Factor and has far nearly 2,000 homes berlin (4). break down the business chain Padovicz here would be futile and would divert attention from supporting village as his right hand in Friedrichshain. The significance of this combination of local knowledge Tragsdorf / Padoviczs influence and entrepreneurial skills / capital base is Friechrichshains on streets and in front particularly noticeable in the houses.
entrepreneurs Tragsdorf
Another pillar supporting the village is the paid advice to entrepreneurs and his company BIF Management Consulting GmbH (HRB 97 185 B; also Warschauer Strasse 46). BIF can be considered a successor or completion of its office of Economic and Project Consulting (BWP) after 2005. The contact and the activity are the same: "The provision of consultancy services particularly in relation to start-ups, site development and use of funds and financial assistance in the technical accounts. At least with the funds to support village should become . Familiar Even this he has managed, how to acquire even in the commercial space market government money. The consulting activities of BIF around the Boxhagenerplatz is funded by resources of the federal-state program "Social City" and the "European Fund for Regional Development.
essential BIF-actor is carrying out village nor Martin Müller (* 06.03.1955), who also stood as a delivery consultant at QM Boxhagener space on the payroll of the Tragsdorf BWP. He also runs the still operating Kontor.MUM mbH (HRB 74 431; Markgrafendamm 16, formerly Cuvrystr 20-23.), Which he feeds on BIF elegant new customers. During the initial contact is via the Public-Private Partnership Advisory BIF, he can offer advice for entrepreneurs seeking tailor-made concepts. Nothing else makes supporting village with its real estate.
The BIF employee John Rogan is responsible not only for supporting the village "Local network start-up funding in Friedrichshain" (also Warschauer Str 46), the supporting village has initiated together with some traders in Kreuzberg. This network is private economic consequence of the long-standing collaboration between the actors in the District Alliance for Economic Affairs and Labour, is in the supporting village also Head of the circuit 1. This meets twice Invitation to support village since 2003 at irregular intervals (dates and protocols). LONEX than meets quarterly at different actors in the neighborhood. Since Tragsdorf is leading the working group 1 and in LONEX, he places the meetings together often. The next meeting is on 7-LONEX December 2007 Kombi consult GmbH (Glogauer Straße 2).
is worth noting that Tragsdorf is managing several real estate companies and service companies, all at an address (Warschauer Str 46) and a fax machine (030-29490516) are achievable. His phone numbers vary between 030 / 294 905 - is 17 and his mobile number 0177-2155082 only - 12 to available for real estate deals. Through its activities and district management consultancy, he is not only financed by the state, but can give himself and his business partners in real estate major benefits.
Berlin district manager Tragsdorf
Tragsdorf was favored in terms of Neighbourhood Management in Berlin through his job as a Senator for Economic Affairs from the beginning. On behalf of the Senate 1998, the sociologist Hartmut Häußermann the report "Urban social-oriented" public. It was different urban areas in the city role model described and predicted dire times due to neglect and crime. The solution was everywhere in the city by carrier, such as ASUM or BWP, restructured and revamped the designated districts in longer processes. By empowering the people to be repaired, take the concerns of the district based on its own strategies into their own hands: and in particular through "empowerment" - the task of district management is to gain new perspectives on their territory. But unfortunately, real estate speculators and idealistic young entrepreneurs have taken in hand and widely enforced. The consequence is the exclusion of certain segments of the population and environment from the districts and from this change. This development was instigated in the last ten years of supporting village and forced.
The Neighbourhood Management Boxhagener place was supporting village office for economic and project consulting (BWP) responsible for massive and caused lack of transparency in allocation of funds. He was most recently in August 2002 to score with the sensational rescue of the east end of the theaters culture chapel on the road Boxhagener 99th Nevertheless, the accusations against him, he would use the district management of its real estate speculation is not off the table. After critical articles in regional newspapers (1), was probably the initial capital of supporting village itself, 2003, the BIS Neighbourhood Management GmbH (HRB 87 907, Sunday Straße 21, formerly Krossener Str 9-10) established to the district management on behalf of the District Office to be able to finish. But his influence, he lost only formal. Geschäfstführer was to liquidation on 30 October 2007 his friend Helmut Help (* 23.6.1971), which also employees of ASUM Applied Social Research and Urban Management GmbH (HRB 24 440 B;. Sonntagsstr 21) and is also responsible for the management of the Neukölln district airport road shows.
Although the Neighbourhood Management project Boxhagener course was finished in 2005, the consultancy work for businesses by supporting village or its consultants and BIF BWP continues ( He also writes occasionally for the QM magazine INFOBOX on further developments on Boxi. In other district management projects in the city supporting village has a not insignificant contribution. The QM Wrangelstraße it is for example, as employees. The Friedrichshain ASUM is rediscover - this time as principal of the project (5).
The strategy is always similar. Tragsdorf has shown us in Friedrichshain and adjacent districts entrepreneurs motivated to imitate him. Each quarter management needs a push from a local community of interest which is quasi symbolize empowerment. But these IGs are mostly made up of members of the already mentioned "the District Alliance for Economic and employment, rather from neighborhood residents, who would perhaps like to help shape their district. All
QM projects of supporting village house and farm media designer viper media GbR (Schreinerstr. 61) under management. Thomas Roediger-designed together with Marina Neumann first all around the QM Boxhagener place and all websites of Tragsdorf companies. When that ran successfully followed all the interest groups of the respective neighborhoods and the relatively similar design of materials of a quality management projects in the districts of Kreuzberg (district in the IN-course several:,, , Neukölln ( and Marzahn-Hellersdorf ( At all Side were the ugly banner of supporting village commercial space market to make it clear what it is all in quarters management from the home village is supporting.
Viper Media is supporting the village by not only enjoy but also many orders came directly from public funds. Under the program, "Local Social Capital", which is supported by the European Social Fund, praised Roediger from a start-up competition. Price was a website and a comprehensive consultation by supporting village BWP. As the circle closes again when the grant money flowing.
Tragsdorf visit as a successful city district manager Sociological meetings with economic claim, eg "Development and opportunities of young people in deprived areas" (E & C) in September 2006 or the Equal Conference "How effective and efficient public start-up support?" January 2007 in Berlin (6). Finally, it can hardly be accused of operating the economic upgrading of the bad neighborhoods. Rather, he has used the loopholes in the district of Friedrichshain-Kreuzberg, in order to implement his ideas and concepts from a consumerist-oriented urban development and thus also rich. But like a man possessed, he wants to continue this part of the Senate temporarily quality projects on your own, with Padovicz a powerful partner on and the luxury business activity Always newer and more stylish accommodations offer. If the population against this Umkremplung their growing borough structure resists paying the newly restored buildings will not or can, then you have to support village ideology containing the population to be replaced. And that's what he does in the last few years with the left-rise projects Friedrichshain. Now the Liebig34 should be it - so simple is that!
(1) Rental subsidy and practice in the district "
" fatherly friend takes care of: Neighbourhood Management Boxhagener place - a success story "
(2)" No one knows the retail space in the district and its suitability for founder as well as he. As a district manager and staff of Economic Development, he accompanied in recent years hundreds of new stores. From student café to toy store. Also, two incubators fall under its management. He knows what renovations are planned and come through which roads the most pedestrian "18.01.2007
" Commercial Development Warsaw street. - Rear hui, front Pooh "
" Tilo Tragsdorf, head of the Office of Economic and Project Consulting (BWP),? about the care of the business location Friedrichshain "
" Berlin's retail space.? retail revolution - the crisis as an opportunity "
(3) and
(4) "A 'man of honor' for the housing association"
"redevelopment areas. In the east, cut in the West abolished "
" The rehabilitation of the needy speculators P. "
" group Padovicz: On the tenants by modernized "
" makes speculator hunting leftist projects "
(5) The contractor Herwarth + Wood Planning and Architecture (Silesian Road 27) has published a comprehensive report on the successes.
(6) report and
Liebig34 - Behind the Scenes
by: Karla Kolumna 07/12/2007
The neighborhood management of the family support village in Friedrichshain
The Women's Lesbian-Trans-house project in the Brunel. 34 and the connected spaces XB-Liebig infoshop and also are in danger. The reason is the need of competent property management mbH Factor Grundstücksentwicklungsgesellchaft the house profitable rent. Andrea Tragsdorf (* 09.11.1962), head of Factor care, personal care of the object that stands together with projects in the past two decades Rigaerstraße an economic appreciation of the Friedrichshain neighborhood in the northern tract. As on 8 wanted to conduct an inspection of the Factor November Liebig34 against the wishes of the residents and users, including Tilo Tragsdorf was present.
Tragsdorf Estate
Tragsdorf wife is busy for her husband since 2000 Tilo Tragsdorf (* 11.23.1961) Factor in things (HRB 60 466, then still Warschauer Strasse 70 A, Warsaw street now 46) stepped in as CEO. This became necessary after the Berlin Friedrichshain former tenant community economic council Tragsdorf for his numerous outside activities and the associated multiple interests related sharply criticized (1). Allegation was the one that he as a Factor managers, managed houses in Friedrichshain and entmietet with dubious practices, craftsmen bounces at maintenance and traders demanded higher rents than were allowed in the redevelopment area. At the same time as part of the district management Boxhagener Supporting village office space for economic and project consulting (BWP - also Warschauer Str 46) since 1999 insidiously employed as a consultant to commercial tenants - to protect against questionable practices of the homeowner in reorganization.
The BWP has since 1995 commissioned by the District Office to take over the domestic space management for the Friedrichshain redevelopment areas, as well as professionals to look after. This package is supporting the village appears to have risen to the head and it does give the borough funded commercial space market (Gewerberaumbö; also Warschauer Str 46) preferably from 1997 Factor-plays and real estate for years in interviews as a city planner from Friedrichshain shopping to (2). Armed with this self-consciousness, his campaign against charming shacks and alternative scene shops, block the coveted commercial premises, to understand: "The future development will be determined by those who are here have their jobs because of the population structure will not, since lack the purchasing power "says Tilo Tragsdorf bluntly in an interview (2).
was initiated by his commercial space market extended to all of East Berlin and runs through the Urban Project, which in turn by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) and the financed Senate Department for Urban development. In Friedrichshain has Tragsdorf on the commercial space market, even the weeks and organic market every Saturday at the place Boxhagener raised (Contact again is the Warschauer Strasse 46 and supporting village fax number).
Factor In self care support since the village is big business over to his wife only to the fish. Among them were dedicated to luxury apartments in Friedrichshain (3). For the real estate business, he uses different company structures. If it does not occur as a factor, BWP or commercial space market, he uses the ominous Agency for Structural Development (c / o BWP; earlier Gundelfinger Straße 49, now also Warschauer Str 46). With the new concept of HOWOGE-commercial building at Lichtenberger Market Street is Tragsdorf example, as the Agency for structural development "rather than otherwise occurred as a BWP. On the peninsula Stralau Tragsdorf acted as old buildings Stralau GmbH (HRB 65 559 B, also Warschauer Str 46) in the purchase and sale of real estate. In early 2007 he has made the company to the couple Dr. Dietmar Schulz-Oral (* 02.13.1962) and Guesin Oral (* 29.05.1960). These operate under a new contact address (Fuggerstr. 26, 10777 Berlin), the company together with A & D Immobiliare Berlin GmbH (HRB 96 245 B). As for supporting village enterprises is about 'buying and selling of real estate, its development and the management of their own land. ". Another company supporting village is the description to this business DAPO mbH, which he first settled in 2005 under the name lucrum property mbH (HRB 63 320 B, also Warschauer Str 46) re-launched. As CEO Tragsdorf sat on 7 November 2007, the United speculators Gijora Padovicz (* 17.5.1952) a. Padovicz owns Factor and has far nearly 2,000 homes berlin (4). break down the business chain Padovicz here would be futile and would divert attention from supporting village as his right hand in Friedrichshain. The significance of this combination of local knowledge Tragsdorf / Padoviczs influence and entrepreneurial skills / capital base is Friechrichshains on streets and in front particularly noticeable in the houses.
entrepreneurs Tragsdorf
Another pillar supporting the village is the paid advice to entrepreneurs and his company BIF Management Consulting GmbH (HRB 97 185 B; also Warschauer Strasse 46). BIF can be considered a successor or completion of its office of Economic and Project Consulting (BWP) after 2005. The contact and the activity are the same: "The provision of consultancy services particularly in relation to start-ups, site development and use of funds and financial assistance in the technical accounts. At least with the funds to support village should become . Familiar Even this he has managed, how to acquire even in the commercial space market government money. The consulting activities of BIF around the Boxhagenerplatz is funded by resources of the federal-state program "Social City" and the "European Fund for Regional Development.
essential BIF-actor is carrying out village nor Martin Müller (* 06.03.1955), who also stood as a delivery consultant at QM Boxhagener space on the payroll of the Tragsdorf BWP. He also runs the still operating Kontor.MUM mbH (HRB 74 431; Markgrafendamm 16, formerly Cuvrystr 20-23.), Which he feeds on BIF elegant new customers. During the initial contact is via the Public-Private Partnership Advisory BIF, he can offer advice for entrepreneurs seeking tailor-made concepts. Nothing else makes supporting village with its real estate.
The BIF employee John Rogan is responsible not only for supporting the village "Local network start-up funding in Friedrichshain" (also Warschauer Str 46), the supporting village has initiated together with some traders in Kreuzberg. This network is private economic consequence of the long-standing collaboration between the actors in the District Alliance for Economic Affairs and Labour, is in the supporting village also Head of the circuit 1. This meets twice Invitation to support village since 2003 at irregular intervals (dates and protocols). LONEX than meets quarterly at different actors in the neighborhood. Since Tragsdorf is leading the working group 1 and in LONEX, he places the meetings together often. The next meeting is on 7-LONEX December 2007 Kombi consult GmbH (Glogauer Straße 2).
is worth noting that Tragsdorf is managing several real estate companies and service companies, all at an address (Warschauer Str 46) and a fax machine (030-29490516) are achievable. His phone numbers vary between 030 / 294 905 - is 17 and his mobile number 0177-2155082 only - 12 to available for real estate deals. Through its activities and district management consultancy, he is not only financed by the state, but can give himself and his business partners in real estate major benefits.
Berlin district manager Tragsdorf
Tragsdorf was favored in terms of Neighbourhood Management in Berlin through his job as a Senator for Economic Affairs from the beginning. On behalf of the Senate 1998, the sociologist Hartmut Häußermann the report "Urban social-oriented" public. It was different urban areas in the city role model described and predicted dire times due to neglect and crime. The solution was everywhere in the city by carrier, such as ASUM or BWP, restructured and revamped the designated districts in longer processes. By empowering the people to be repaired, take the concerns of the district based on its own strategies into their own hands: and in particular through "empowerment" - the task of district management is to gain new perspectives on their territory. But unfortunately, real estate speculators and idealistic young entrepreneurs have taken in hand and widely enforced. The consequence is the exclusion of certain segments of the population and environment from the districts and from this change. This development was instigated in the last ten years of supporting village and forced.
The Neighbourhood Management Boxhagener place was supporting village office for economic and project consulting (BWP) responsible for massive and caused lack of transparency in allocation of funds. He was most recently in August 2002 to score with the sensational rescue of the east end of the theaters culture chapel on the road Boxhagener 99th Nevertheless, the accusations against him, he would use the district management of its real estate speculation is not off the table. After critical articles in regional newspapers (1), was probably the initial capital of supporting village itself, 2003, the BIS Neighbourhood Management GmbH (HRB 87 907, Sunday Straße 21, formerly Krossener Str 9-10) established to the district management on behalf of the District Office to be able to finish. But his influence, he lost only formal. Geschäfstführer was to liquidation on 30 October 2007 his friend Helmut Help (* 23.6.1971), which also employees of ASUM Applied Social Research and Urban Management GmbH (HRB 24 440 B;. Sonntagsstr 21) and is also responsible for the management of the Neukölln district airport road shows.
Although the Neighbourhood Management project Boxhagener course was finished in 2005, the consultancy work for businesses by supporting village or its consultants and BIF BWP continues ( He also writes occasionally for the QM magazine INFOBOX on further developments on Boxi. In other district management projects in the city supporting village has a not insignificant contribution. The QM Wrangelstraße it is for example, as employees. The Friedrichshain ASUM is rediscover - this time as principal of the project (5).
The strategy is always similar. Tragsdorf has shown us in Friedrichshain and adjacent districts entrepreneurs motivated to imitate him. Each quarter management needs a push from a local community of interest which is quasi symbolize empowerment. But these IGs are mostly made up of members of the already mentioned "the District Alliance for Economic and employment, rather from neighborhood residents, who would perhaps like to help shape their district. All
QM projects of supporting village house and farm media designer viper media GbR (Schreinerstr. 61) under management. Thomas Roediger-designed together with Marina Neumann first all around the QM Boxhagener place and all websites of Tragsdorf companies. When that ran successfully followed all the interest groups of the respective neighborhoods and the relatively similar design of materials of a quality management projects in the districts of Kreuzberg (district in the IN-course several:,, , Neukölln ( and Marzahn-Hellersdorf ( At all Side were the ugly banner of supporting village commercial space market to make it clear what it is all in quarters management from the home village is supporting.
Viper Media is supporting the village by not only enjoy but also many orders came directly from public funds. Under the program, "Local Social Capital", which is supported by the European Social Fund, praised Roediger from a start-up competition. Price was a website and a comprehensive consultation by supporting village BWP. As the circle closes again when the grant money flowing.
Tragsdorf visit as a successful city district manager Sociological meetings with economic claim, eg "Development and opportunities of young people in deprived areas" (E & C) in September 2006 or the Equal Conference "How effective and efficient public start-up support?" January 2007 in Berlin (6). Finally, it can hardly be accused of operating the economic upgrading of the bad neighborhoods. Rather, he has used the loopholes in the district of Friedrichshain-Kreuzberg, in order to implement his ideas and concepts from a consumerist-oriented urban development and thus also rich. But like a man possessed, he wants to continue this part of the Senate temporarily quality projects on your own, with Padovicz a powerful partner on and the luxury business activity Always newer and more stylish accommodations offer. If the population against this Umkremplung their growing borough structure resists paying the newly restored buildings will not or can, then you have to support village ideology containing the population to be replaced. And that's what he does in the last few years with the left-rise projects Friedrichshain. Now the Liebig34 should be it - so simple is that!
(1) Rental subsidy and practice in the district "
" fatherly friend takes care of: Neighbourhood Management Boxhagener place - a success story "
(2)" No one knows the retail space in the district and its suitability for founder as well as he. As a district manager and staff of Economic Development, he accompanied in recent years hundreds of new stores. From student café to toy store. Also, two incubators fall under its management. He knows what renovations are planned and come through which roads the most pedestrian "18.01.2007
" Commercial Development Warsaw street. - Rear hui, front Pooh "
" Tilo Tragsdorf, head of the Office of Economic and Project Consulting (BWP),? about the care of the business location Friedrichshain "
" Berlin's retail space.? retail revolution - the crisis as an opportunity "
(3) and
(4) "A 'man of honor' for the housing association"
"redevelopment areas. In the east, cut in the West abolished "
" The rehabilitation of the needy speculators P. "
" group Padovicz: On the tenants by modernized "
" makes speculator hunting leftist projects "
(5) The contractor Herwarth + Wood Planning and Architecture (Silesian Road 27) has published a comprehensive report on the successes.
(6) report and
Friday, November 16, 2007
Broken Veins Arms Chest Pregnancy
News ...
solidarity demo for Liebig14 ...
... more? here!
homeowner rioted with police in Liebig14 ...
... more? here!
solidarity demo for Liebig14 ...
... more? here!
homeowner rioted with police in Liebig14 ...
... more? here!
Thursday, November 8, 2007
What Is Cricket Bat Tape
days running in short form
after the home-management factor Gmbh (warschauerstr) had announced on Nov 8th off-key and collect all the apartments was met at 7.00 clock in the morning about 50 sympathizers do with coffee and tea to observe what ... is more trays (mind.3) were in the immediate environment, Cos on the other side of the street and in the bakery ... Property Management to put more interest without express their mission to perform again, but we are going strong like this come out the clock against 14 ... they are still played "geiger counter" (political-songwriter with violin) a couple of songs ... currently increasing in xb queeromatik skipped the party ...
more infos about this also ...
of the page ""
ticker with the day progresses
" /"
from the side of the load info

after the home-management factor Gmbh (warschauerstr) had announced on Nov 8th off-key and collect all the apartments was met at 7.00 clock in the morning about 50 sympathizers do with coffee and tea to observe what ... is more trays (mind.3) were in the immediate environment, Cos on the other side of the street and in the bakery ... Property Management to put more interest without express their mission to perform again, but we are going strong like this come out the clock against 14 ... they are still played "geiger counter" (political-songwriter with violin) a couple of songs ... currently increasing in xb queeromatik skipped the party ...
more infos about this also ...
of the page ""
ticker with the day progresses
" /"
from the side of the load info
Test A Relay Jeep Liberty
Tuesday, September 18, 2007
Waxing In Columbia, Sc
pension age from 71 - and then we haun the strings
No, I did this video not found on the website of Ulla Schmidt . They are "The Room" (on MySpace here for more information) an oldie-rock ... nee no band, a chorus of old men with an average age of 78!
they covered in the legendary Abbey Road Studios this title, the rock group "The Who"
No, I did this video not found on the website of Ulla Schmidt . They are "The Room" (on MySpace here for more information) an oldie-rock ... nee no band, a chorus of old men with an average age of 78!
they covered in the legendary Abbey Road Studios this title, the rock group "The Who"
Thursday, April 12, 2007
How To Use Prepaid Mastercard For Runescape
streetlights in Alsace
that struck me during an Easter trip through northern Alsace: street lights - no overwhelming design services and also Not all beautiful - but different in almost any place! This is evidence of at least creative involvement of the local mayor. Or was advertised as a competition "Who has the most beautiful lantern?" or "Our lantern is beautiful"? Mind you these are no facilities that are exceptional times in a marketplace or pedestrian zone, but the lighting control of the place!
A refreshing alternative to the boring whip lanterns in our country that's all.

that struck me during an Easter trip through northern Alsace: street lights - no overwhelming design services and also Not all beautiful - but different in almost any place! This is evidence of at least creative involvement of the local mayor. Or was advertised as a competition "Who has the most beautiful lantern?" or "Our lantern is beautiful"? Mind you these are no facilities that are exceptional times in a marketplace or pedestrian zone, but the lighting control of the place!
A refreshing alternative to the boring whip lanterns in our country that's all.
Wednesday, March 21, 2007
Razor Dune Buggy Faster
Agency Software III
The structure of the agency for marketing practice ends with the aggressive acquisition, it is imminent. By then, with the mass entry of addresses, at last the decision be made. The preoccupation with the self-marketing plan has kept me in the last few weeks of it. So now I search out again and see the demo versions, giving a sample data, and watch "feels" what to. I still have my "sensory" issues with FileMaker, they feel somehow not around, and usually there are also unconventional navigations.
the other hand, I have the fears of some critics of agency software in relevant forums to share regarding the safety, stability of non-FileMaker applications. The future security of FileMaker is a big plus.
Also: The makers of my favorite of the FileMaker applications COCOsCRACK-project2007, I do not trust regular maintenance rather than those of revolver (although the support of all the charges against the forums there is good). Certainly there will be in the foreseeable future, an update from COCOsCRACK-project2007. Even with a better user interface? It will be interesting ...
And another question for everyone: What's going on with the treatment of rights? (If I've got to see what?) Dissolved in of example, the "Designer's Calculator" is Wolfgang Maassen. Only: that is no agency software.
The structure of the agency for marketing practice ends with the aggressive acquisition, it is imminent. By then, with the mass entry of addresses, at last the decision be made. The preoccupation with the self-marketing plan has kept me in the last few weeks of it. So now I search out again and see the demo versions, giving a sample data, and watch "feels" what to. I still have my "sensory" issues with FileMaker, they feel somehow not around, and usually there are also unconventional navigations.
the other hand, I have the fears of some critics of agency software in relevant forums to share regarding the safety, stability of non-FileMaker applications. The future security of FileMaker is a big plus.
Also: The makers of my favorite of the FileMaker applications COCOsCRACK-project2007, I do not trust regular maintenance rather than those of revolver (although the support of all the charges against the forums there is good). Certainly there will be in the foreseeable future, an update from COCOsCRACK-project2007. Even with a better user interface? It will be interesting ...
And another question for everyone: What's going on with the treatment of rights? (If I've got to see what?) Dissolved in of example, the "Designer's Calculator" is Wolfgang Maassen. Only: that is no agency software.
How To Make A Globe Theatre Model
I can tell you yes ...
... and soon you will know more. Above all, the doctors - they should know it!
What is it about? - And what is the reason why I was here for so long still? It's about self-marketing.
For some time now, the design office Reggentin able to offer a wide range of services. See below "What I offer, I can not." But the goal should be to offer all selected a small target group . For these clients to appropriate expertise, and thus to develop a unique selling point.
After long, intensive and productive discussions with a "professional help" - no, no psychotherapist, but a consultant - was the result of the "Agency Practice Marketing" born. It is not yet public - as I said: They are the first people I say.

... and soon you will know more. Above all, the doctors - they should know it!
What is it about? - And what is the reason why I was here for so long still? It's about self-marketing.
For some time now, the design office Reggentin able to offer a wide range of services. See below "What I offer, I can not." But the goal should be to offer all selected a small target group . For these clients to appropriate expertise, and thus to develop a unique selling point.
After long, intensive and productive discussions with a "professional help" - no, no psychotherapist, but a consultant - was the result of the "Agency Practice Marketing" born. It is not yet public - as I said: They are the first people I say.
Monday, January 8, 2007
What Organ Is On The Left Side At The Waist
So, now I am come a few steps further: this I found after long searches on a number of offers.
summarize again, what is important to me, are important for me - next to a price that is less than 500 € - the standard functions of address, job, time, correspondence management and billing. I noticed also that my integration into the MacOS, the look and feel (I know, purely subjective) and the ease of use (ie, consistent user interface, Transparency in the process) are at least as important. And all this for the most on the market are products of this price category not so hot because the FileMaker interface more or less "show through" is. What I do is so important, are functions such as network capacity, access to accounting and administrative staff - but a project management, taking account of settlement in the team.
From the research results, I made some tests with the following programs (you are all as demo versions downloadable):
- Tuse 3.5
149 - (caution: it is sold as "freeware", but is still only a demo, a corr . differences for the registered version)
- MiniBüro8
from 280, -
information: /
- Crack project 2007
from 299, -
information: agency software. com /
- Jobs vX
79 -
information: ntex-
- small office 6.1
69 -
- revolver office
299 -
information: / de
all - except revolver - are based on File Maker was programmed.
got close range then Tests
- Jobs vX (very good value for money),
- Crack project 2007 (with a great adaptation of my design office everyday life: creating briefing checklists and their adoption in supply, etc. I particularly liked)
and - Last but not least:
- revolver
Here I like the clear user interface, integration with Mac OS - no FilemakerAppl and pleasant look and feel. Currently I am working closely with the program and it seems that I choose. However, the manual includes a 500-page PDF-ham (!), The content would have fit at least 25% of the paper.
long time seemed to crack the reference product for me to be, because it really has everything I need, but the handling is definitely better revolver.
So, now I am come a few steps further: this I found after long searches on a number of offers.
summarize again, what is important to me, are important for me - next to a price that is less than 500 € - the standard functions of address, job, time, correspondence management and billing. I noticed also that my integration into the MacOS, the look and feel (I know, purely subjective) and the ease of use (ie, consistent user interface, Transparency in the process) are at least as important. And all this for the most on the market are products of this price category not so hot because the FileMaker interface more or less "show through" is. What I do is so important, are functions such as network capacity, access to accounting and administrative staff - but a project management, taking account of settlement in the team.
From the research results, I made some tests with the following programs (you are all as demo versions downloadable):
- Tuse 3.5
149 - (caution: it is sold as "freeware", but is still only a demo, a corr . differences for the registered version)
- MiniBüro8
from 280, -
information: /
- Crack project 2007
from 299, -
information: agency software. com /
- Jobs vX
79 -
information: ntex-
- small office 6.1
69 -
- revolver office
299 -
information: / de
all - except revolver - are based on File Maker was programmed.
got close range then Tests
- Jobs vX (very good value for money),
- Crack project 2007 (with a great adaptation of my design office everyday life: creating briefing checklists and their adoption in supply, etc. I particularly liked)
and - Last but not least:
- revolver
Here I like the clear user interface, integration with Mac OS - no FilemakerAppl and pleasant look and feel. Currently I am working closely with the program and it seems that I choose. However, the manual includes a 500-page PDF-ham (!), The content would have fit at least 25% of the paper.
long time seemed to crack the reference product for me to be, because it really has everything I need, but the handling is definitely better revolver.
Friday, January 5, 2007
Cricket Bat Ice Sub Zero
agency software agency software - Which is a real help for the office?
Again and again I think, as certain procedures in the daily life of a design studio automated - no, I say better, are easier ? There are, for example the "rules" in the mail program to sort the mail in my arrival. Since accelerate the famous speed-dialing keys on my phone to connect. And so on ... All these automatic
have in common is that always work the first time must be invested in order to reap the benefit from the reduction of a flow. And often I underestimate this part, and so the Projects often results in a shot to the back: The cost of the configuration is not in proportion to the benefits in daily life.
Sorry, we do not always know whether the investment is worth the long term. Example: agency software. Addresses can be entered once. Even at first contact with the acquisition and can click in all further actions (offer, billing ...) are inserted. Cost estimates are created once and like building blocks - with one click - added to the offer. Fits to the calculations of the project process: it can be added to the calendar and I've every morning after breakfast, an overview of what to do today. As you can see what is here as a useful simplification of office life appears the same time means a huge effort in the basic configuration.
And another thing: What is the right agency software? The quest for it has already cost me hours of Google! This fact is as difficult as deciding on an image-editing program. There are standards and always test in the relevant journals.
But perhaps I am mistaken, too. Maybe - hopefully - someone reads this and thinks, "Why, is not a problem, there's but the program deal primarily with the xy I come.." - Please share it with me! Other seekers of simplifications in their office life will thank you.

Again and again I think, as certain procedures in the daily life of a design studio automated - no, I say better, are easier ? There are, for example the "rules" in the mail program to sort the mail in my arrival. Since accelerate the famous speed-dialing keys on my phone to connect. And so on ... All these automatic
have in common is that always work the first time must be invested in order to reap the benefit from the reduction of a flow. And often I underestimate this part, and so the Projects often results in a shot to the back: The cost of the configuration is not in proportion to the benefits in daily life.
Sorry, we do not always know whether the investment is worth the long term. Example: agency software. Addresses can be entered once. Even at first contact with the acquisition and can click in all further actions (offer, billing ...) are inserted. Cost estimates are created once and like building blocks - with one click - added to the offer. Fits to the calculations of the project process: it can be added to the calendar and I've every morning after breakfast, an overview of what to do today. As you can see what is here as a useful simplification of office life appears the same time means a huge effort in the basic configuration.
And another thing: What is the right agency software? The quest for it has already cost me hours of Google! This fact is as difficult as deciding on an image-editing program. There are standards and always test in the relevant journals.
But perhaps I am mistaken, too. Maybe - hopefully - someone reads this and thinks, "Why, is not a problem, there's but the program deal primarily with the xy I come.." - Please share it with me! Other seekers of simplifications in their office life will thank you.
Wednesday, January 3, 2007
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