Wednesday, December 12, 2007

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Come all ...
on Friday 14 December at 15.00 clock in Charlottenburg
Kurfürstenstr.173 to be angry and loud!!
Padovicz a hot winter bring ...

At 12:12:07, there was an article in the newspaper "to the demo
" one struggle, one fight "... in which we have also taken part in numerous
... we come back, no question!

Rising violence-
The left-wing extremist scene is again threatened by militant / Many housing projects of eviction

Andreas Kopietz

After the riots at the weekend in Berlin, the left scene mobilized for a demonstration next Saturday in Hamburg. From Berlin, hundreds of participants to demo against repression "will arrive. The Hamburg Police charged with actions of autonomous militant.

The security authorities believed that the radical left-wing militant scene is currently playing. This was evident in the night of 1 April, when in Friedrichshain Autonomous lit in the squatter scene and the car surprised police did not get the position for hours under control. This is evident since the spring of each week, to burn again when cars because they are expensive, are companies like Siemens or train, and therefore embody the perpetrators of the capitalist system. 111 cars were set on fire this year - three times the previous year. The increased violence was also evident last Saturday during and after a squatter demo for "autonomous spaces" to "Yuppies and investors. "In Mitte, Prenzlauer Berg and Kreuzberg set fire to autonomous cars, pelted police with stones, building barricades. In Kreuzberg throwing discs with banks, a supermarket and McDonald's one.

gave The calls for removing it in some relevant web pages -. but not as sharp as on other occasions the police had initially expected 500 participants in the course of the day they revised their estimate but up actually mobilized the theme of "freedom" then more than 1 500 demonstrators from other.. states traveled. "For certain issues has left the scene is a high capacity for mobilization," said the spokeswoman of Berlin Constitutional protection, Isabelle Kalbitzer.

Berlin in particular has a vibrant squatters. Sure, in the past 15 years, many illegally occupied buildings vacated by the police. Today there is not an "occupied" apartment house anymore because the people have some very good contracts. Nevertheless, many residential projects threatens the eviction, such as in Riga and the Liebig Street in Friedrichshain, the fountain in the middle of road and the occupied side wing of the Bethanien in Kreuzberg. At risk is the wagons "black channel" on the River Spree in Mitte, which is to the media and service quarters soft Media Spree. The police warned the Media Spree manager in a letter that they are "in the focus of the autonomous left scene moved to Berlin "were.

eviction threat of neighboring Köpi. The latter is a Europe-known stronghold of the squatter scene. The 70 residents have been terminated as of May 31, 2008, which caused an international solidarity wave. Police fears that riots could break out at a clearing, like a year ago in Copenhagen. At that time, was cleared of squatters occupied Ungdomshuset what day-long street battles with the result. And so on the website "" to read: "At least since the riots last December in Copenhagen and by the active struggle for Ungdomshuset is in Germany - as auch international - die etwas verschlafene Freiräumebewegung wieder in die Offensive gegangen." Weiter heißt es: "Wir wollen weiter in die Offensive gehen, um für das Fortbestehen unserer Freiräume und die Schaffung neuer Räume zu kämpfen: Der Stadt wieder die Zähne zeigen und klar machen, dass jede Räumung ihren Preis hat!"

Verfassungsschützer und Polizisten halten die Sprüche keineswegs für großspurig. "Ein kleiner Funke reicht aus, um die Szene zu mobilisieren", sagt Helmut Sarwas von der Deutschen Polizeigewerkschaft. "Die Gewaltbereitschaft nimmt zu." Er fürchtet, dass die Polizei mit Krawallen schnell überlastet sein könnte. Seit diesem Monat ist die Bereitschaftspolizei reduced from ten to eight hundreds. Sarwas: "There are nights now where we have no more riot police."

Berliner Zeitung, 12.12.2007


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