Thursday, November 30, 2006

How Much Calories In Beef Tips

"I like it"

They are probably as mysteries such as "Why me is the person sympathetic?" or "Why do we fall in love with a specific person (or not)?". I mean the question of aesthetics.
As I was looking at a customer and had a presentation. To say it first: She was successful. The customer liked my suggestions. And the proposal, which was my favorite, and the customers liked best. Now you ask me not why. Why here the criteria of aesthetics were the same for both of us? - Could it be the same culture, values, attitudes or something?
I know I stand now dumber than I am. Of course there are objective criteria such as contrast (of thin-thick, dark-light, delicate-rough ...) This creates tension and arouses in us, then perhaps the sense of aesthetics - we then say, "this is beautiful."
But of course there are also viewing habits - and they are subjective.
Get me to the same time the article on Design Research in the page read 12.6 on page 32.

Friday, November 24, 2006

Mario Salieri Oyuncular

So, it's done: My blog is ready!

And now I write my first post in here ...

Hmm ... yes, and what ?

And Why all this?

questions to which I knew the first time no satisfactory answers. I just made it smart. For example, here or cotton candy and of course wikipedia. But Internet-Eric Sturm, architect of was able to convince me on a short but crisp speech at the Stuttgart Media Days, to come to grips with it.

And so am I first reached the conclusion that I can quite easily write about my activities in my design office. Could be interesting for my customers to experience not only of news, if they are on my website . In this sense, this place is, my weblog, clearly more recent than the website.

I plan to skip me about the following topics:
  • There are the stories from the life, or rather out of my life in my design office.
  • then thought to one of my favorite topics, the questions about aesthetics,
  • and thoughts on the Web - latest trends and what I think about it,
  • and tips and tricks to applications with which we must rumplagen more or less daily.
  • Finally: Pictures, of which, I believe that it would be a shame, they would sleep only on my hard drive.

Saturday, November 18, 2006

Best Way To Remove Neck Cysts

WGA fails with error code: 0x80070005

Installing Windows Update uses the Windows Genuine Advantage Validation Tool (WGA) operating systems. The failure of the installation of this tool with the error code: 0x80070005 so there can be found on Goolge usually Recommendations in newsgroups or on-line editors that will download the tool from a Microsoft Web site and manually install.

This is also easier with the built-in Internet Explorer update mechanism for add-ons songenannte:

first Tools menu> menu item "Internet Options ..." You can click to promote dialogue and open "Internet Options".

second In the dialog "Internet Options" on the register Karate "Progam" the "Manage Add-ons ..." You can click and open as the dialog "Manage Add-ons".

third Manage Add-ons "in the list of add-ons dialog in the entry for" Windows Genuine Advantage Validation Tool "to select, so that in the Group Update "Update ActiveX" button is active and click on this circuit area.

4th Update Add-On "The resulting dialog displays the progress of the download.

5th This will open either an installation dialogue, in which the shaft surface "Install" must be clicked so that the update can be completed, or you receive a message that no updates are available. (If this message is the tool to date and the problem requires a different solution.)