Hmm ... yes, and what ?
And Why all this?
questions to which I knew the first time no satisfactory answers. I just made it smart. For example, here or cotton candy and of course wikipedia. But Internet-Eric Sturm, architect of -for-architekten.de was able to convince me on a short but crisp speech at the Stuttgart Media Days, to come to grips with it.
And so am I first reached the conclusion that I can quite easily write about my activities in my design office. Could be interesting for my customers to experience not only of news, if they are on my website . In this sense, this place is, my weblog, clearly more recent than the website.
I plan to skip me about the following topics:
- There are the stories from the life, or rather out of my life in my design office.
- then thought to one of my favorite topics, the questions about aesthetics,
- and thoughts on the Web - latest trends and what I think about it,
- and tips and tricks to applications with which we must rumplagen more or less daily.
- Finally: Pictures, of which, I believe that it would be a shame, they would sleep only on my hard drive.
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