participation and revolution
Hans Herbert von Arnim provides for the direct participation in the form of direct democracy "as an instrument 'legal revolution' the domestication of the political class" (von Arnim 2008: 235).
Strong words from political critics. Read
they are in a commemorative for Heinrich Siedentopf.
You do not agree with every remark von Arnim. That he, however, direct democracy as a counterweight to power, "an anonymous political class" (235) demands to be really popular sovereignty introduce sounds understandable.
For, as von Arnim, "in truth, the German voters do not even have the staff to represent him in parliament to decide" (233). As the belligerent Speyer administrative lawyers, however legal.
Armin King
Arnim, Hans Herbert von (2008): Democracy in Germany. State law between normative Claim and political reality. A view of our republic - 175 years after the Hambach Festival. In: Magiera, Siegfried / Summer, Karl-Peter / Ziller, Jacques (ed.): Public Administration and Governance in national and transnational perspective. Festschrift for Heinrich Siedentopf 70th Birthday. Berlin: Duncker & Humblot. P. 217 - 240
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