Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Structure Made From Balsa Wood

Strong Democracy - Benjamin Barber on

For Benjamin Barber is a "strong democracy for the survival condition of all that is us in the liberal Western tradition so dear" (1994: 15-16).

Barbers book is hardly the way to get, not even second-hand. This may have contributed to its cult status. However, the following note is heating is cited

As Benjamin Barber often associated with citizen participation, is to be noted that he participate very idealistic as "endless process of consultation, decision and action" (Barber 1994: 147) understands. He makes the citizens to constantly speaking and negotiating citizen educated in this way contribute " [To be] to the public to think as citizens "(Barber 1994: 148). This represents a radical Barber discursive approach without first asking for efficiency, effectiveness and practicality (see Abel & Bruns 2004: 32). This has been practiced many times in committee meetings of self-government bodies, advisory boards, to grassroots party days of the then young Greens. By now, this very discursive process out of fashion. In Cocal Cola and Holy War - Jihad vs. McWorld (2001) Barber modified his position. He now demands, "look at existing institutions [to] new and [to] sort" (Barber 2001: 294), so that civil society "Mediator between state and market" can be. Central to it in the sense of Habermas the public: "A citizen is an individual who raises his voice, his public sees itself as part of a larger community and with others, represents a common good. Public is the key to the civil status "(Barber 2001: 295)..


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