The National Network for Civil Society (BBE) is addressed with support from the Federal Ministry for Family Citizens, Women and Youth a "National Forum for involvement and participation" field. The Forum is loud self-assertion of the federal network, the content along with expert representatives from civil society, politics, economics and science to the process of developing funding commitment to further develop and strengthen sustainable "(BBE) .
This is an important step towards the stabilization of civic engagement, which now has an important social function. is
from civil or civil society much expected. It is true that Bode, Evers & Klein noted that there are still "world of difference between vision and reality of everyday life, from conceptual designs and sociological reflection, between the political reform agenda and the operational conditions of the initiatives and organizations on the ground" (2009: 7) in place, but is now possibly drive the participation in discussion. The first congress of the national forum for engagement and participation are already starting to set accents in many fields. In the rooms of the German Parliament to discuss 250 experts from the field of participation / Civil society / engagement policy in following ten dialogues:
- DF 1: Infrastructure: Engagement offers and engagement promotion in the federal, state and local
- DF 2: Legal and financial framework
- DF 3: Social, economic and cultural factors condition for civic engagement and social cohesion
- DF 4: involvement in the democratic society - engagement as participation
- DF 5: Commitment business sponsorship
- DF 6: education policy and commitment promoting
- DF 7: Training and organizational development for committed and full-time
- DF 8: Engagement research and policy advice
- DF 9: Civic engagement and participation in Europe
- DF 10: Integration through Civic Engagement.
This is a comprehensive overview of social, societal, economic and cultural factors condition sought in order to become part of national policy commitment of the federal government.
Participation experts have made a now almost confusing topic. It ranges from the development trends of new fields of engagement (such as: care, hospice, food / consumer) on cooperation of voluntary agencies, family offices, self-help agencies, community foundations, staff positions on issues of communication and public relations ü about charitable issues, limitations of liability, financial support opportunities up to the sometimes challenging relationship between work and dedication. Gender issues are also not without interest. Sun Hiltrud wetting has described the risk that women would be forced out in the voluntary sector or civil society, while in the still significant institutions continue to have men call the shots.
Also, the demographic change is an important issue in the context of civic engagement.
Finally, ask if the G-8 schools, the Bologna process in higher education and increasing mobility requirements Workers do not lead to a dangerous erosion of volunteering because the volunteers did not have more time, as described by Wolfgang specialist in the field of policy is very critical.
literature selection:
Bode, Ingo / Adalbert Evers / Klein, Ansgar (Eds.) ( 2009): civil society as a project. An inventory of potential development and promotion of civil society in Germany. Wiesbaden. Publisher of Social Sciences.
specialist, Wolfgang (2008): participation as myth and machine. In: Bröchler, Stephan / Lauth, Hans-Joachim (ed.): Politikwissenschafltiche perspectives. Wiesbaden: VS. P. 57-67.
King, Armin (2009): The Citizens Community: Renaissance of a good idea. In: innovative management. Vol 31, 1-2/2009. P. 18-19.
wetting, Hiltrud (2006): City construction site. Efficiency and proximity without democracy and sustainability? Wiesbaden: VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften.
room, Annette (2009): Civic Engagement - topic of teaching and research? In: Bode, Ingo / Adalbert Evers / Klein, Ansgar (Eds.): Civil Society as a project. An inventory of potential development and promotion of civil society in Germany. Wiesbaden. Publisher of Social Sciences. P. 80-100.
(c) Armin king 2009
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