controversy discussion with Civil Society as a project: rhetorical flourish or groundbreaking reform project?
© Armin king 2009
righteous citizen participation in decision making, active, vibrant democracy, freedom of political self-organization, formation of social capital - these are high standards for a "civil society" identified by the parties at least as a slogan has gained in importance. But what in reality the "civil society project" look like? Is it taken seriously? Or is it merely a rhetorical flourish? Ingo Bode, Adalbert Evers and Ansgar Klein have under the title "civil society project" an "inventory of development and promotion potential of civil society in Germany presented ". The issue is complex. It is about economics and organization of civil society, corporate citizenship, the role of full-time employees in NGOs to co-operation networks, the prospects of local governance arrangements and to participate in environmental participation process. From a gender perspective, civil society is examined - and very critical.
"There are still worlds apart between vision and reality of everyday life, from conceptual designs and sociological reflection, between the political reform agenda and the operational conditions of the initiatives and local organizations. (Bode / Evers / Klein 2009: 7)
The findings of the scientists is the policy of not flattering.
have, however, with the exception of the Left parties all received the call for a revaluation of the civil society in their program, such as Thomas Olk and Ansgar Klein lecture ("engagement policy - a new policy field and its problems"). They see "strong circumstantial evidence for the formation of an independent policy field, engagement policy 'in Germany" (30). This has, in its opinion, the Study Commission on the Future of Civic Engagement "essential part. Your device 1999 is a milestone in the development of policy commitment as a Field "(Olk / Klein 2009: 25) have been. The importance of the Commission, do not support reduced to de final report: "Networking engagement of political actors from different sectors of society and the direct impact of the hearings and debates on public opinion are just as relevant." (25)
Olk / small civic engagement seen as a reform project that breaks with conventional thinking and a far-reaching restructuring of the institutions in the state and society demands. " (25) This rich vision "far beyond the traditional understanding of a promotion out of volunteering (25).
civil society as a project is considered a challenging cross-cutting issue: "This is civil commitment not to the individual, donating time and money 'reduced, but identified as a complex of civil society orientation and conduct, both at the level of individuals (accepting responsibility, with-action and co-decision, donating time and money, etc.) and at the level of organizations (entering into partnerships, systematic involvement of civil society action logic in models, opening of organizational structures and processes of action for civil society contributions etc.) and even in other forms of governance (participatory forms of open negotiation of goals instead of hierarchical control) can be expressed. " (25-26) may be hidden behind a lot of wishful thinking. Empirically, this can not be so far in this form, and to this extent confirm
Annette room looks scientifically significant deficits. "Civic engagement as a concept out a niche existence and is decoupled from the international development, primarily a concept of everyday political debate in Germany" (81). They called for a departure from the "Provinzpomeranztum (98), more communication with each other and a better international links. That does not sound very friendly.
is gratifying critically discusses the "civil society as Bertelsmann project" (265 ff) by Rudolph Bauer. Sun attacked Bauer's elitist view of the Bertelsmann Foundation as paradoxical (265): "Having a civil society organization, its representatives to promote civic engagement written on their banners, the genuine concerns of civil society undermines the interests of an elite civil project. (265)
not Enough: A nonprofit organization uses its privileged access to the media, a business-friendly economic and to call for tax policy with the aim of limiting the state in its social and political opportunities to act, what to turn offset by increased civic engagement. " (265)
Bauer Bertelsmann raises more or less openly in front to push through under the guise of a non-governmental non-profit organization, private sector interests. The Foundation was calling for "less government". At the same time try a subsidiary of the Group, on which the Foundation hold the majority, "service performance of public administration to adopt and profitable to operate in private business director." (265) This approach the Bertelsmann Foundation runs the risk that those concerns would be thwarted, "associated with the original normative concept of civil society." (265) farm called names such as Liz Mohn, Werner Weidenfeld, Gunter Thielen, Heribert Meffert and Dieter H. Vogel, thus ensuring for the purposes of civil society for transparency in terms of interests, motives, goals, strategies and linkages. It is important that citizens know this.
farmer understands his contribution, not least as a challenge, he concluded, "the work of the Bertelsmann Foundation and the financially dependent on their centers (CAP, CHE, CKM) and the role of the Bertelsmann media and other Business activities of the group to perform scientific investigations and the influence of the complex "system Bertelsmann" in the development of civil society to monitor critical "(Bauer 2009: 288)
the anthology." Civil society project "examines the current topic of civic engagement critical controversial for different viewpoints and encourages the interdisciplinary perspective to other research activities. The inventory is inspiring and can become a catalyst for new civil society activities. You but might also help to dampen overly high expectations of the civil society.
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