participation in practice: Illingen 2030 - no fear of shrinkage due to openness, innovative ideas and civic participation
contribution to the demography-Conference 2009 of the BBSR and the German Society for Demography in Berlin (Abstract - Summary)
Armin King
Illingen 2030 - no fear of shrinkage due to openness, innovative ideas and citizen participation
Armin King
The future project "Illingen 2030 has confronted in a comprehensive, integrated participatory process population, policy and management of the 18,000-inhabitant town in the Saarland with unpleasant men facts of demographic change. Key findings by demographics-Check, kick-off and eight participatory Future Workshops: Shrinkage is not destiny, but also an opportunity for something new. And if aging communities, more solidarity is needed. More political power for the people is intentional - that is working. Over 1,000 citizens have been involved. Now it is accepted that there are no new developments in outer areas more. The land use at the edge is limited to infrastructure costs to keep under control. In contrast, the City will be strengthened to include the retail pool its forces. The arrival of discounters on arterial roads has been stopped. Such strategic decisions require courage and leadership at Senior level.
emphases in demographic Change are education (full-day school), family policy (family ticket), economic (job security, profiling, networking; Illtal as a regional currency), social infrastructure, vacancy management, the reuse of municipal buildings and accessibility, and inter-municipal cooperation. The participation has been extended to target the civil community. Through empowerment of the citizenry social capital was acquired. The community realized in 24 months, twelve o'clock civil projects up to a new combined Kita-/Ganztagsschulprojekt, a new JUZ (in the empty office work) and the first foreign-saar municipal demolition program, "Make way." New projects are planned to be barrier-free.
Illingen 2030 has also shown the limits of participation. Unconventional ideas initiated in participatory creative process often with reservations. Inconvenient adjustment processes (infrastructure, community facilities) have been postponed. Also administrative cooperation prove to be difficult. A pilot project with four municipalities showed on many reservations especially at the department level, where one is anxiously to autonomy. In contrast, the development of an integrated rural development approach (ILEK) was a success. 14 small and large projects to test a regional management on their implementation through chance. In the national competition "Idee.Natur" is the community in Illingen purpose association with five other municipalities National winner will become and test innovative approaches to cooperative conservation, agriculture and tourism policy in an urban industrial structure.
is important that a community can inspire its people to such activities and that it is part of larger networks. This works best if the projects are very real, fit in an attractive setting and the citizens directly relevant.
Illingen 2009
Title citizens to plan future demographic change
Author Armin King
Issue 2
Armin König Verlag, 2009 ISBN 3837003264
, 9783837003260
length 192 pages
local politics comes in the face of the financial problems of cities and municipalities and the demographic change, according to their limits. Even in manageable communities, the complexity of problems such as the decisions. Citizen participation is regaining importance. Armin King presents a model project for the future of participatory design, which is observed nationwide.
King, Armin (2008): The aging of society and the consequences for the municipalities in the Federation and the Saarland: a barely perceived demographic challenge with considerable impact Chen
Author: King, Armin
Source: Saarland Municipal Journal, 58 (10): 243-250, 2008 [Review]
not the amygdala, the aging of the population is the real demographic challenges. The article makes it clear that the challenge was perceived to accelerated aging of the population of the policy so far barely. Using empirical find-the king has to Armin that the problem exists. His conclusion: The consequences affect the entire social policy, social policy and economic policy. "The priorities of the policy shift is expected - in terms of the sustainability of the systems on accessibility, intergenerational equity, Efficiency and affordability. Just as important is the discussion of issues of assistance and care. The issue concerns the entire region Saar-Lor-Lux, including Lorraine and Luxembourg. Thus in particular counties and municipalities come under pressure to act.
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