Friday, November 20, 2009

Welcome Letter To A New Dentist

youth participating: From vacancy to JUZ - a success story

From vacancy to Illinger JUZ: Participatory politics as an opportunity for young people
Armin King

First published in SKZ 11/2009

need youth-friendly community development
that demographic change is directly linked to generational politics is evident and does not specifically justified be. This applies both to the group of older People and their needs. On the other hand, may in the course of demographic development, the youth's interests are not neglected.
The aging of society would be possible to motivate the political emphasis placed on future policy for the elderly, especially since it is expected there, the biggest potential votes. But I would argue at this point in favor of giving the demographic change and the youth policy of particular importance. Regardless of demographic trends have
provide municipalities the opportunity, through youth-friendly community development for young people attractive living conditions so as to maximize the municipal perspectives.
sky In a study on "Improving the quality of life of young people in rural areas, through youth-friendly community development" (Heaven 2007) found that in this area several deficiencies. This applies to recreational facilities and meeting places for young people, non-motorized mobility opportunities for young people, but also the "integration of young people in the community" (2007:31 heaven) and their involvement in policy planning and decision-making processes. Problematized is missing that special offers for girls. Finally, it stated that the participation of young people in the surveyed communities, "collectively referred to as deficient be "(heaven 2007:37) must, because they do not continuously. Sky recommends that young people have the opportunities to improve participation in the spatial planning options of "communication, self-expression, movement and interactions with others" (Heaven, 2007: 48) to be provided.

case study JUZ Illingen: from drilling thick boards
Illingen has a wealth of experience from the past with the participation Ju-gendlicher. This was not always without conflict, but has found since the founding of the Youth Centre JUZ an institutional base, allows the participation and empowerment at different levels. The example of the new youth center is shown be, as has been implemented cooperatively despite great obstacles, an important project. The drilling of thick boards was worth at the end for all.

Participation between euphoria and disappointment
has been discussed since 1995 in Illingen on a permanent placement of the youth center. The theme played in the first mayoral Urwahlkampf 1995/96 important role and has taken up several times in subsequent years. It was about three main topics: the willingness to young people the opportunity for a self-governing youth center to give the location issue and the issue of participatory planning. The youth center
Illingen Association was created in 1996 from the ( "Youth Initiative station. The original idea of using the old train station as Illinger JUZ was, however, discarded because the station had to be demolished because of the dilapidated buildings.
had instead set up the Youth Centre Association with the support of the administration the possibility of a growing city hall in a former police tract as JUZ. This was considered to be temporary from the start, but proved durable temporary solution that should his twelve years JUZ-domicile. Process promoters for a future solution that would be sustainable, were the young people in volunteer organizations JUZ-club and adult patrons who have been socialized in the JUZ-movement and the mayor.
intensive political discussions in which the youth organizations of the parties involved resulted in the idea of restructuring the old gas works yard hall between urban and municipal gas works and use it as JUZ and small event hall.
was a workshop with the project of laying JUZ In 2003 we started rolling. The workshop was attended by young people, administration and local politics. It followed a meeting of the promoters with professors of the Faculty of Architecture of the Academy of Sciences of the Saarland (HTW), which gave the initial impetus for a construction project.
At the suggestion of young people praised the community Illingen in cooperation with the Department of Architecture HTW a student competition to transform the old gas station hall. The competition was a lot of attention in the press, public and local politics, the winners were celebrated for the "great success" but lacked the money. The project threatened to fail. But neither club nor policy nor JUZ-mayor wanted to give up without a fight. Alternatives were sought and found (a former trade union and later financial house in the center, which was for sale) and because of price expectations can not meet again discarded. The participants saw
despite these disappointments chances of realization, because of the workshop is a foundation of trust between young people, adults from the Friends, Mayor, mayor, political groups, youth worker, construction office manager and architect was created, the animated to continue. Only a few meters from the (discarded) furniture store was found in the post streets a new opportunity. From the "old employment office" organization has been the employment agency, which first moved into new areas and eventually the site Illingen abandoned altogether. The "old Labour Office," but extended the list of vacancies in the municipality which JUZ promoters, however, saw this the first time, realistic perspectives for the future and brought a change of use in conversation.

intergenerational cooperation as the key to success
participation experienced Workshop participants institutionalized their cooperation and established under the umbrella of the community 2005, the Commission new JUZ ", which was very motivated to work. Members included three members of the JUZ, three members of the council, the mayor, the mayor, the youth worker, the construction office manager and an architect. After the clarification of the encumbrance emerged as with the gas factory building the funding problem, but this time could be solved with the help of the funding Social town / city worth living structures.
2006 saw the breakthrough. The council took the decision in principle for a new JUZ in the post streets, participatory planning has been changed, revised negotiating with donors, grant, until the concept was. Noted the positive JUZ that "always community members, artisans and the JuZler themselves [were] in the entire process involved until the summer of 2007 work began" ( ) Illingen. Although still not everything went according to plan, as necessary, for example, by the Non smoking Protection Act, further amendments were, but the risk of failure was no more.

young people actively: A paradigm for social capital
After had been made by professionals the necessary structural and building engineering changes could young people from March 2008 to become active themselves. This was a classic example of social capital: The remote JUZ'ler wallpaper, plastered and plastered walls, applied to color, becoming involved with the lighting device and rehearsal spaces, provided technical equipment and Internet standards. Often they take any more, as they wrote in their history, but they had "long-awaited opening of the mind" ( and "pulled themselves together" ( supra). The motivation was successful, the JUZ was obtained, and the participants were all very satisfied.
is in the conclusions of young people it: "You can say that any individual who was involved in the construction of this new youth center, his has been the best, be they politicians, the administration, the artisans, the sponsors, who have a lot in only allows, or the young people Not to forget themselves are also the Ministry of the Environment and the European Union, which supported the move with subsidies and also enabled. All in all it was a joint project that would not work without the help of the other. This idea, which waited 12 years for their achievement could be realized only in this way. "(Ibid.)
Despite the obstacles, problems, disappointments and setbacks The project was youth center a success of participatory local politics. With the demographic and future project Illingen 2030 "of the development framework was given, which gave the project JUZ the necessary drive and the necessary explanation to ministries.

Local participation of youth in pure culture
JUZ The project gave the participants, local politics and governance arrangements in its purest form. You had to combine interests and articulate advocacy afford to find allies, networks formed to institutionalize their cooperation, setbacks, based in three local elections and two elections for mayor and most current work with new partners and, finally, hardly be expected as the project's success was working to organize craft and to as many new young people to the JUZ up to speed. Meanwhile, an entire year of students passed the Illtal High School, were three generations of primary school adolescents to become, hoping over a dozen years in the temporary "stop police" to better JUZ times. In the end, had the success that pierced the thick boards and never gave up and believed in their goal. With the active participation of planning and craft brought in the youth and their volunteer supporter of social capital, management and policy supplemented this with (Ver) competence, commitment and expertise. Possible this was only because the respective Senior level administrative and policy support to highly motivated young people. The learned policy on its part, the action level, do not know from the textbook. They were confronted with all that has to offer local politics, and came into contact with layers, which they would otherwise know little - to the state ministries and the Brussels-General. Ensure that the project mediated by the way political empowerment. The adults in politics, public administration and in turn learned that many youth-related stereotypes conveyed false or at least are biased.
The project was never continuously, the complexity of the project provided always swings for the positive and negative. There was brainstorming phase, euphoria, positive interim results, disappointments, because realizing results of creative works could not, setbacks, rest periods, background conversations, mediations, negotiations, surprises, emergent events, alliances at the time, planning phase, consolidation phase, revised plans formalized, and institutional configurations for grant donor and finally the participatory implementation of ideas. Ultimately, was the project of a JUZ the most successful and most unusual projects of community participation Illingen. The parties hope that even the most sustainable will belong.

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