Sunday, May 30, 2010

How To Repair A Bathtub Knob

Schnellerer Firefox unter Ubuntu480

There is a specifically compiled for Linux Firefox called " the improved performance especially noticed in Javascript-intensive websites. To be on the safe side assurances before using the mozilla directory. I got in all the tests still can not find any harmful side effects. ..
cp ~ / mozilla ~ / mozilla-backup

The first step in installing Swiftfox is to add the repositories:

sudo apt-add-repository deb "http://getswiftfox. com / builds / debian unstable non-free "
After you choose the right processor for their own version. The variants are available:

Swiftfox-athlon64-32bit-i686 Swiftfox
information for your own CPU is obtained through:

cat / proc / cpuinfo

You can see whether its own CPU is already a Pentium 4 Prescott's when the flags listed in a "pni".

cat / proc / cpuinfo the CPU information and what they mean

then installed the following command to the selected Firefox (here the version for Intel Pentium 4 Prescott):
sudo apt-get install Swiftfox Prescott Swiftfox is then found in the menu under "Applications> Internet".

Swiftfox order then to make it the default browser, enter the following commands:

sudo dpkg-divert - divert / usr / bin / firefox.ubuntu - rename / usr / bin / firefox
sudo ln-s / usr / bin / Swiftfox / Usr / bin / firefox

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Can I Use Whoolite In My He Washing Machine

Wine Arial Font Problem

My Microsoft Office Word WINE showed in the Arial font at wrong.
versions. Ubuntu 10.04 Lucid Lynx Microsoft Office 2007 Wine 1.1.42

Step 1

rm / .winetrickscache / * arial
rm / .wine / drive_c / windows / fonts. / Arial * & & rm. / .wine / drive_c / windows / Fonts / Arial *

Step 3

winetricks core fonts

The problem came to me from other versions of Arial, which lay in the font folder, and thus of the installed Arial winetricks made unusable. At least think I know that it was the problem. The above steps eliminated the problem with me.
whom it has helped, please leave a quick comment there, so I know that someone does something, if I write down here.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Kerri Walsh Feet Size

Ubuntu per default auf Powersave setzen

The following command is reacted with Karmic Lucid Lynx and the CPU Scaler by default to save power. Just type in command and reboot.

sudo sed-i 's / n ondemand / powersave n / g' / etc / init.d / ondemand

What makes it?
It calls "sed" and tells him that all occurrences of "s performance" in the file / etc / init.d / ondemand will be replaced by "n power save". It's that simple this since the word "performance" occurs multiple times, but only at the relevant point with an "n" in front, does the expression so funny. Is it better than a step-by-step instructions on how to "open the file X with vi and edit the line XY Z to ZZ".

Simply copy and paste a terminal. Enter key, enter password. Done.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

How Do I Make A Diaper Baby Carriage

Office 2007 unter Wine installieren

Here are the steps to install Offcier 2007 under Wine 1.1.42:
first winetricks msxml3 vcrun2005 dotNet11
second wineboot
third winetricks riched20 riched30 Tahoma
4th wineboot
5a. Insert the CD and Office "Setup.exe" or by clicking
5b. Open terminal, enter into / media / namedercd change and wine Setup.exe

6th winetricks allfonts font smooth-

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Nc30 Everday Minerals

Ubuntu 10.04 Firefox kein Sound in Flash

After upgrading to Ubuntu 9.10 10:04 Lucid Lynx I had in Firefox when playing Flash videos do not have sound anymore.

following steps to fix the problem: first


close second Installation of Flash Player - Open Terminal and enter
third Removing the old flash plugin version 9 from the personal plugin folder under ~ / .mozilla / plugins

mv ~ / .mozilla / plugins / ~ /

4th Create a link of Flash Player 10 plug-ins in the plugin folder personal

ln-s / usr / lib / firefox / plugins / ~ / .mozilla / plugins /
5th Firefox start - play videos to the test