Ubuntu per default auf Powersave setzen
The following command is reacted with Karmic Lucid Lynx and the CPU Scaler by default to save power. Just type in command and reboot.
sudo sed-i 's / n ondemand / powersave n / g' / etc / init.d / ondemand
What makes it?
It calls "sed" and tells him that all occurrences of "s performance" in the file / etc / init.d / ondemand will be replaced by "n power save". It's that simple this since the word "performance" occurs multiple times, but only at the relevant point with an "n" in front, does the expression so funny. Is it better than a step-by-step instructions on how to "open the file X with vi and edit the line XY Z to ZZ".
Simply copy and paste a terminal. Enter key, enter password. Done.
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