Sunday, May 30, 2010

How To Repair A Bathtub Knob

Schnellerer Firefox unter Ubuntu480

There is a specifically compiled for Linux Firefox called " the improved performance especially noticed in Javascript-intensive websites. To be on the safe side assurances before using the mozilla directory. I got in all the tests still can not find any harmful side effects. ..
cp ~ / mozilla ~ / mozilla-backup

The first step in installing Swiftfox is to add the repositories:

sudo apt-add-repository deb "http://getswiftfox. com / builds / debian unstable non-free "
After you choose the right processor for their own version. The variants are available:

Swiftfox-athlon64-32bit-i686 Swiftfox
information for your own CPU is obtained through:

cat / proc / cpuinfo

You can see whether its own CPU is already a Pentium 4 Prescott's when the flags listed in a "pni".

cat / proc / cpuinfo the CPU information and what they mean

then installed the following command to the selected Firefox (here the version for Intel Pentium 4 Prescott):
sudo apt-get install Swiftfox Prescott Swiftfox is then found in the menu under "Applications> Internet".

Swiftfox order then to make it the default browser, enter the following commands:

sudo dpkg-divert - divert / usr / bin / firefox.ubuntu - rename / usr / bin / firefox
sudo ln-s / usr / bin / Swiftfox / Usr / bin / firefox


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