Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Fake Highschool Community Service

change or remove old kernel

Who runs Ubuntu for a long time to wonder about all the kernels that are available at startup. It will always install new kernel but by default does not remove old kernel from the Ubuntu system. The short

Step-By-Step Guide shows how old kernel from the Ubuntu system.

first Open the Terminal Accessories About

second Enter and note issue. This is your kernel version currently in use. These do not remove them - is clear.


third Then enter:

dpkg-l Remove all unused kernel. You can simply specify to remove the version number and do not have to "linux-image" Leave. "Apt-get" shows you what he will remove and asks whether he should do it. Checked again just what he wants to remove and press "Y" if your currently used kernel is present.

sudo apt-get remove - (substitute your kernel version) purge 2.6.32-25 *

5th Who will manage the startup screen in graphic detail, be advised the following tool:

sudo apt-get install startup manager

It is found under "System"> "Administration" and allows it to set the default kernel to reduce the waiting time or to change screen resolution during bootup.

More information to the Startup Manager

whom the guide has helped, please leave a quick comment so I know I do not do it all for nothing. Thank you.

Friday, October 15, 2010

Brazilian Wax In Planetsuzy

The community and its citizens


first Democracy begins in the community. The indispensable role of municipalities as a partner of the citizens (ff generally referred to as citizens) and is as guarantor of general interest highlighted in speeches and in normative views for local politics. This corresponds, however, not the financial resources of local communities by federal and state governments. It is true that the Basic Law: "The communities must be guaranteed the right to regulate all local affairs within the law into his own responsibility (Art. 28 II GG), but the guarantee of local self-government is not de facto (more. ) guarantees. you is only a blunt sword, although "the modern idea of self-government to a large extent on the principle of democracy" (Heilshorn 2007: 165) root. Even weaker, however, the self-management commitments at European level.

second The fact is that the German communities more than just "part of the political system" (Wet / Wet 2007: 19). To date, they have a key position in the system because they ensure the general interest of the residents in a broad sense. With a wide range of services, cities and municipalities all that makes life worth living for the people. The key duties include security, energy supply and water and disposal, raising children and schools, housing, transportation and local economic development, social security, elderly care, youth welfare, environmental, nature and the climate, culture and sports care. The communities are important (and in larger cities and large) employer. They invest and thus support the local economy, they open opportunities for young people - and they are the bedrock of the civil commitment of organizations and initiatives. A vibrant civil society is impossible without viable communities.

third (Glaessner 2006: 507) By local constitutions of the states citizens have full political participation possibilities. Select the mayors and district administrators directly. They also choose their representatives for the local, municipal and district councils, they have initiative, decision-making and information rights can help to shape planning processes and are cooperation partners and government. Here, citizens can be involved with their own design options and rights. It is generally held that the municipal level is particularly good for civic participation. The citizens here know "the local conditions, they are in a position to assess the implications of decisions, at least, rather than distant policy decisions on state and federal level." (Glaessner 2006: 507)

4th Citizens have different roles in the political system of the communities: they are rights holders, participation certificates, voters, customers, consumers, clients, stakeholders, stakeholders, sociological group. gives citizens in generalized form, it does not work. Instead, there are different facets of the civil status.

5th In the representative system, the interests of citizens by municipal council (Ortsrats-/Kreistags-) members are represented. The citizenship status differs significantly from the population. "Citizen of the community, any or every German within the meaning of Article 116 of the Basic Law and each and every citizen the other Member States of the European Union (EU citizens) who, or has reached the age of eighteen years and at least three months living in the community. "(§ 118 para 2 KSVG) Citizenship of the Union, the Treaty on European Union (Article 9 TEU , Article 20, Paragraph 2 TFEU normalized). Citizenship of the Union shall be additional to national citizenship, but not replace them (Art 20 para 1st Treaty). With several residences is the primary residence. Inhabitants, who lives in the community. (§ 18 para 1 KSVG) "The citizen is also residents of the inhabitants in the legal sense but not a citizen." (Welfare 2003. Rn 100)

6th The citizenship is Prerequisite for the active and passive right to vote. "In the provinces, regions and communities must have a representation of the people, which is elected by universal, direct, free, equal and secret elections. During elections in counties and municipalities are also persons who are nationals of a Member State of the European Community, in accordance with European Community law and eligible to vote. "(Art. 28 I GG p. 2-3) The partial order of the Lisbon Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union (Treaty) which is non-discriminatory basis to be granted active and passive right to vote in European and local elections normalized for Union citizens, "said apply to the same conditions as nationals of the Member State "(Article 20, paragraph 2 b Treaty).

7th The participation of citizens in local and mayoral elections (as voters or as candidates) is one of the key rights of participation at local level in representative democracy (see Gisevius 1999: 14). Since the mayor and council are the institutions of the community and shape the policy in the local area, the active and passive right to vote is a say at the local level a chance for citizens to politics. Whoever is elected as mayor or honorary member of the Council shall make a the strongest partner and design rights. In view of existing at least on paper, local autonomy, according to which all local matters within the law are to regulate their own responsibility (Article 28 paragraph 2 GG), this is a broad field. It offers a widely underrated discretion. Probably the local level is currently the only sphere in shape and some even committed citizens can move. This applies mainly to those who use the opportunities of the passive right to vote and be actively involved in community politics.

8th The situation is difficult for citizens who are not in political functions. Who was not even elected or not even a candidate was, must be confident that its representatives represent its interests in the City Council effective. In the wake of the growing disenchantment with politics and politicians is also increasingly a sentiment locally determined, according to which the citizens of their representatives no longer feel adequately represented. "Listen to us at all", is one of the questions being asked with increasing frequency. "Our interests are represented effectively by our representatives?" another critical issue.

9th The fierce debate about the local project Stuttgart21 "showed for the first time that the operation of the representative system to the local levels is placed a major question mark. This project was democratically at all levels, the courts have confirmed this. However, the transparency of decisions has made a major question mark. Arbitrator Heiner Geissler spoke of the end of the Basta policy. It was not the so-called usual suspects who took to the streets. It is too early to make a sociological profile analysis of the protesters. However, it is because of the large media reporting strong evidence that, especially middle-agers and seniors best demonstrated in the political system does not feel sufficiently represented.

10th "Stuttgart21" with its "Wutbürgern" is only a symptom of the general uneasiness of the public from the established players on the local political scene: Governance and policy are observed with Argus eyes, their decisions are considered more critical and commented.

11th Who wants to discuss the topic of "The municipality and its citizens" in public, give serious consideration to the issues of population (s) to deal with. In particular, answers to questions like "What do politicians and administration because of the little people?" or "certainty here, only the money, what is happening in our city?" or "Is not politics a dirty business anyway? old we are not there better get out?" . Give

12th The Simple answer is over time in a time of complex political ramifications.

Gisevius, Wolfgang (1999): A guide by local politics. 6. rev. Ed Bonn: Dietz.

Glaessner, Gert-Joachim (2006): Politics in Germany. 2. Act. Ed Wiesbaden: VS.

Heilshorn, Torsten (2007): The revision of the municipal economic subsidiarity clause and cover the area of municipal utilities in Baden-Wuerttemberg. In: VBlBW 5 / 2007, S: 161-166.

welfare, Jürgen (2003): municipal law for the Saarland. 3. rev. Aufl.Baden-Baden: Nomos.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Answers To Ap Bio Lab 3

Ubuntu Ubuntu kernel boot Ubuntu

Who Ubuntu runs better with a different kernel is the kernel default via a graphical menu . Configure
sudo apt-get install startup manager

then found under System> Administration> StartUp Manager
a manager to manage the kernel, and configuration options. use

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Storage Bench Kits 24

Photoshop Clone Stamp Tool and

To Clone Stamp tool with the Alt + Click shortcut in Ubuntu to easily be one of the "Movement Key" for the Windows / Windows under Ubuntu convert.
Since my Ubuntu is with English language settings, I can describe the way in the menu only in English. You ought to understand but also in the German version.

where the "Movement Key" from "old" to "Super" (this is the Windows logo key).

Then the Clone Stamp Tool in Photoshop should be usable.

whom it has helped, please just leave a comment so I know that I'm not here to post for free.

Monday, October 4, 2010

Sims3 The Third Relic

Grub error in Ubuntu Wubi

respect if you upgraded grub2 under Wubi. Be ready a Windows CD that you can go into the repair console. first Ubuntu does not boot, but Windows already
second There are only see a "grub rescue" console
solution to 1: Download
In Windows booting from the network and a new "wubildr" file.

This one replaces the file "C: \\ wubildr. (Maybe even the D: \\ ubuntu \\ winboot, depending on whether ubuntu on D: has installed)

solution 2:
With the Windows CD in the Repair console boot, then "fixmbr" and enter all confirm. . (If fixmbr does not work, "fixmbr c:" try

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Art Of Masterbation For Men

IMG burn

How to IMG images can burn in Ubuntu
My advice - convert to ISO and as the first. then burn with resources board
Step by Step.
sudo apt-get install ccd2iso

ccd2iso image.img image.iso
By Archive-Burner Brasero or

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Ap Biology Lab 4 Answers Wards Ap Biology Labs?

Google Chrome: Key Shortcuts in SurfenALT

CTRL + click on link
Opens clicked Link in a new tab in background opens the clicked link in a new foreground tab CTRL + SHIFT +
  • T opens the last closed tab (last history point)
  • CTRL + H
  • Opens the History
  • CTRL + J
    the download page
  • CTRL + D
    Current page Opens Bookmark
  • ALT + Right / Left
  • Next or Previous page
  • CTRL + K
  • Springs in the search bar and search by keyword
  • Space
  • scroll down or up in the bottom of the page

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Pokemon Monopoly 2009

GPS location from image to determine

By following script can read the GPS data from JPEG files.

python bildatei.jpg


PICTURE WAS TAKEN AT ==================
LON: -86.88650000
LAT: 41.73200000
GOOGLE MAPS LOCATION ============== ====,-86.88650000
# Florian Roth
# PictureDelphi 0.1
# August 2010
import sys from PIL import Image
from PIL.ExifTags import TAGS

def get_exif(fn):
ret = {}
i =
info = i._getexif()
for tag, value in info.items():
decoded = TAGS.get(tag, tag)
if decoded == "GPSInfo":
ret["GPSInfo"] = value
lat_t = ret["GPSInfo"][1]
lon_t = ret["GPSInfo"][3]

lat = float(ret["GPSInfo"][2][0][0])
lat_add = float( ret["GPSInfo"][2][1][0] )
lat_add = lat_add/60/100
lat = lat+lat_add
if lat_t == "S":
lat *= -1;

lon = float(ret["GPSInfo"][4][0][0])
lon_add = float( ret["GPSInfo"][4][1][0] )
lon_add = lon_add/60/100
lon = lon+lon_add
if lon_t == "W":
lon *= -1;

print "PICTURE WAS TAKEN AT =================="
print "LON:% .8 f '% lon
print" LAT:% .8 f "% lat
" print GOOGLE MAPS LOCATION =================="
print " = f% .8, .8% f"% (lat, lon);
print "No GPS data present in the picture meta data"

foto = sys.argv [1]
get_exif (photo)

Monday, July 5, 2010

Rose Garden Row Seating Chart

Ubuntu install freezes with "hpet increasing" messages

I have since moving to my new Thinkpad T60 problem, me that the system freezes frequently. It happened during operation without a special program or a specific Function to address.

from looking at the dmesg or writes the following messages:
hpet min_delta_ns increasing to 33 750 nsec

I work with a Thinkpad T60

ATI X1300 graphics card and Ubuntu 10.04
Lucid Lynx. My

is used Kernel Version: Linux ubuntu 2.6.32

-23-37-generic # Ubuntu SMP

I have read many bug reports in this regard, including the following:


solution: The kernel option hpet = disable "in the Grub boot loader and integrate PulseAudio uninstall

first Grub reconfigure

sudo sed-i 's / quiet splash / quiet splash hpet = disable / g' / etc / default / grub
second Grub reinstall (do not worry, it's also easy Wubi)

sudo update-grub
third Reboot

4th remove pulseaudio from the Ubuntu - How it is on the net en masse. If someone finds a suitable, please send it to me. I link to it here.

I had tried the last of all and now had for about 3 weeks, no more hangers. Now I know not, what instructions I had followed.

Who has it helped that can leave a quick comment so I know that I did not write down things for nothing. Thank you.

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Cause H Pylori Cause Shortness Of Breath

eToro under Ubuntu Ubuntu

The downloader that will be offered for Windows from the eToro page does not work in my Wine. He stops as he attempts to the web server service pack and OS transfer, which will fail anyway.
I sniffed the stream by Wireshark and find the exe made, which must be loaded.

So Step by Step:

once as a test run using Wine: wine


missing DLLs, and remarks.
second The necessary DLLs get (the most difficult step) I still had a plate installed with Windows, which I could easily load the necessary DLLs in my Wine environment.

cp / mnt/host-c/WINDOWS/system32/mfc42.dll ~ / .wine/drive_c/windows/system32 /

cp / mnt/host-c/WINDOWS/system32/msvcp60.dll ~ / .wine/drive_c/windows/system32 /

third Flash to install Wine
winetricks flash

4. eToro start
whom it has helped, please leave a short message there.

Friday, June 4, 2010

Recipe Foreasy Bake Oven For Pretzels

Movie Split

If someone wants just one part of a video file

without this necessarily encode He remembers the time from where to where he wants to cut second He installed "mencoder"
sudo apt-get install mencoder

third He navigated to the directory of the video file
mencoder-ss 01:00:00-endpos 02:00:00-oac copy-ovc copy-o movie.avi second_half.avi

The values for 's' (Begin) and "endpos" (end) is replaced by the Favourite moments in hh: mm: ss format.
from the beginning or if you want to cut to the end, can be the start or end parameter go away. The simple cut is usually a factor of 100 times faster than the new code by Pitivi. whom it has helped, please leave a comment just because.
pleased I always.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

How To Write A Personal Statement Dental Hygiene

Yahoo Finance Gold Ticker Symbol

has the ticker symbol for gold


Sunday, May 30, 2010

How To Repair A Bathtub Knob

Schnellerer Firefox unter Ubuntu480

There is a specifically compiled for Linux Firefox called " the improved performance especially noticed in Javascript-intensive websites. To be on the safe side assurances before using the mozilla directory. I got in all the tests still can not find any harmful side effects. ..
cp ~ / mozilla ~ / mozilla-backup

The first step in installing Swiftfox is to add the repositories:

sudo apt-add-repository deb "http://getswiftfox. com / builds / debian unstable non-free "
After you choose the right processor for their own version. The variants are available:

Swiftfox-athlon64-32bit-i686 Swiftfox
information for your own CPU is obtained through:

cat / proc / cpuinfo

You can see whether its own CPU is already a Pentium 4 Prescott's when the flags listed in a "pni".

cat / proc / cpuinfo the CPU information and what they mean

then installed the following command to the selected Firefox (here the version for Intel Pentium 4 Prescott):
sudo apt-get install Swiftfox Prescott Swiftfox is then found in the menu under "Applications> Internet".

Swiftfox order then to make it the default browser, enter the following commands:

sudo dpkg-divert - divert / usr / bin / firefox.ubuntu - rename / usr / bin / firefox
sudo ln-s / usr / bin / Swiftfox / Usr / bin / firefox

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Can I Use Whoolite In My He Washing Machine

Wine Arial Font Problem

My Microsoft Office Word WINE showed in the Arial font at wrong.
versions. Ubuntu 10.04 Lucid Lynx Microsoft Office 2007 Wine 1.1.42

Step 1

rm / .winetrickscache / * arial
rm / .wine / drive_c / windows / fonts. / Arial * & & rm. / .wine / drive_c / windows / Fonts / Arial *

Step 3

winetricks core fonts

The problem came to me from other versions of Arial, which lay in the font folder, and thus of the installed Arial winetricks made unusable. At least think I know that it was the problem. The above steps eliminated the problem with me.
whom it has helped, please leave a quick comment there, so I know that someone does something, if I write down here.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Kerri Walsh Feet Size

Ubuntu per default auf Powersave setzen

The following command is reacted with Karmic Lucid Lynx and the CPU Scaler by default to save power. Just type in command and reboot.

sudo sed-i 's / n ondemand / powersave n / g' / etc / init.d / ondemand

What makes it?
It calls "sed" and tells him that all occurrences of "s performance" in the file / etc / init.d / ondemand will be replaced by "n power save". It's that simple this since the word "performance" occurs multiple times, but only at the relevant point with an "n" in front, does the expression so funny. Is it better than a step-by-step instructions on how to "open the file X with vi and edit the line XY Z to ZZ".

Simply copy and paste a terminal. Enter key, enter password. Done.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

How Do I Make A Diaper Baby Carriage

Office 2007 unter Wine installieren

Here are the steps to install Offcier 2007 under Wine 1.1.42:
first winetricks msxml3 vcrun2005 dotNet11
second wineboot
third winetricks riched20 riched30 Tahoma
4th wineboot
5a. Insert the CD and Office "Setup.exe" or by clicking
5b. Open terminal, enter into / media / namedercd change and wine Setup.exe

6th winetricks allfonts font smooth-

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Nc30 Everday Minerals

Ubuntu 10.04 Firefox kein Sound in Flash

After upgrading to Ubuntu 9.10 10:04 Lucid Lynx I had in Firefox when playing Flash videos do not have sound anymore.

following steps to fix the problem: first


close second Installation of Flash Player - Open Terminal and enter
third Removing the old flash plugin version 9 from the personal plugin folder under ~ / .mozilla / plugins

mv ~ / .mozilla / plugins / ~ /

4th Create a link of Flash Player 10 plug-ins in the plugin folder personal

ln-s / usr / lib / firefox / plugins / ~ / .mozilla / plugins /
5th Firefox start - play videos to the test

Friday, April 30, 2010

Horn Shirps Occasionally In Suburban

Ubuntu 10.04 ATI Radeon 3D / OpenGL aktivieren

Bin changed from Ubuntu 9.10 to 10.04.
were then my beautiful 3D effects in one go - the drivers for my ATI Radeon X1400 was not recognized correctly. Apparently the proprietary fglrx driver from ATI yet for the new X server in Lucid Lynx posted 10.04.
best to uninstall the Synaptics completely. Just search for "fglrx

" look, then remove all packages. Then reboot and it uses the open ATI driver that should not be so good - I've still not noticed any problems -> except the flicker on my external monitor, but I've dealt with in another journal.

Friday, March 26, 2010

Everyday Minerals Size Grams

Tomcat admin over SSL / https from Ant build (catalina-ant.jar) call

I have secured an SVN repository with SSL, so that only via https: / / server / svn / repo could be accessed. For this I include the SSL certificate itself is created and installed in Apache. This was (as always) straightforward and works well.
The developers and testers only had the first call to the new SVN URL confirm the certificate. (Because it was self-generated, it was the default being not to be safe.) Then was the standard work possible again.
The surprise came when the nightly build failed. He reported in [undeploy] Target:

[undeploy] PKIX path building failed: unable to find valid certification path to requested target

The message is not very user friendly. But obviously there was a problem with the certificate. This error message can be found on Google a lot of ways to fix it. They relate to but generally the use by Tomcat, not to use the catalina ant.jar.
What do you have to fix it within the ant build?

first Check which version of Java is used for the build: It sounds as if that would be granted. But if multiple Java versions on the build server installed, you must exactly the kind of find that is actually used.

second The certificate shall provide that should be used: It is the Apache server (eg, / etc/apache2/ssl.crt/beispiel.crt ) and must be copied if necessary to the build server.

third Charging with the keytool certificate in a trusted certificate store:
> keytool-keystore / path / to / java / jre / lib / security / my-certs-import-alias-file beispiel.crt-trustcacerts

4th The environment variable ANT_OPTS share: Before calling ant , the environment variable ANT_OPTS be set so that the new certificate store is used. For example, this:

export ANT_OPTS = " = / path / to / java / jre / lib / security / my-certs"
ant-f build.xml-
my ...

5th Build start: This should work now.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Pennsylvania Driver License Template

checkboxes of XSL-FO to PDF

checkboxes in XSL-FO insert is easily possible Unicode. However, they are in the generation of PDF not automatically correct. The following XSL-FO provides for example the following PDF file:

 \u0026lt;? Xml version = "1.0" encoding = "UTF-8"?> 
\u0026lt;for: root xmlns: for = "http://>
<fo:simple-page-master master-name="A4" page-width="210mm" page-height="297mm">
<fo:region-body region-name="region-body" margin="2cm"/>
<fo:page-sequence master-reference="A4">
<fo:flow flow-name="region-body">
<fo:block>Boxes from XSL-FO to PDF</fo:block>
\u0026lt;fo:block> & # x2610; Box \u0026lt;/ for: block>
\u0026lt;fo:block> & # x2611; box checked \u0026lt;/ for: block>
\u0026lt;for: block > & # x2612; x-marked box \u0026lt;/ for: block>
\u0026lt;/ for: block>
\u0026lt;/ for: flow>
\u0026lt;/ for: page-sequence>
\u0026lt;/ for : root>

The check boxes are missing PDF document. Why? The PDF generation will make use of the standard fonts that are in PDF format. However, no Unicode support you and, therefore, the checkboxes substitute them with # dar. One can imagine the embedded fonts in the properties of the PDF document on the Fonts tab to display. to show (in the Adobe Reader under File> Properties ...)

To Unicode characters in PDF, you must have a Unicode font that is embedded in the PDF. This raises two questions: first

Question: How do I write in XSL-FO that a Unicode font to use?
second Question: How do I tell these FOP Font embedding into PDF?

answer to question 1:
would spontaneously fall back to first, perhaps to "Arial Unicode MS standard." This font is available on many Windows operating systems because it comes with Microsoft Office. Then would the XSL-FO code look like to set this font:

\u0026lt;fo:block> Boxes from XSL-FO to PDF \u0026lt;/ for: block>
\u0026lt;for: block font-family = "ArialUnicodeMS" > & # x2610; Box \u0026lt;/ for: block>
\u0026lt;for: block font-family = "ArialUnicodeMS" > & # x2611; box checked \u0026lt;/ for: block>
\u0026lt;fo:block font-family="ArialUnicodeMS" > & # x2612; x-box marked \u0026lt; ; / for: block>
\u0026lt;/ for: block>

ArialUnicodeMS Then, when the font in the PDF file is embedded with (see answer to question 2 below), provides the result in this:

This looks just fine but: The check boxes are there and the font is embedded. That was no big surprise, right? The surprise But come now, for Arial Unicode MS is under license of Agfa Monotype Corporation. and may not be freely copied (see In the file properties of ARIALUNI.TTF can read this license condition also

My understanding of the license agreement, is that you can not embed Arial Unicode MS pass into PDF documents. In order to avoid any such license problem, you should therefore find a free alternative to Arial Unicode MS.

A good alternative is the project "Free UCS Outline Fonts" (see ). Under the GNU General Public License v3 are different fonts available. If one uses the font free mono it would look like in XSL-FO by:

\u0026lt;fo:block> Boxes from XSL-FO to PDF \u0026lt;/ for: block>
\u0026lt;for: block font-family = "mono free" > & # x2610; Box \u0026lt;/ for: block>
\u0026lt;fo:block font-family="FreeMono" > & # x2611; box checked \u0026lt;/ for: block>
\u0026lt;fo:block font-family="FreeMono" > & # x2612; X-marked box \u0026lt;/ for: block>
\u0026lt;/ for: block>
Then, when the free mono-font in the PDF file is embedded, the result looks like this:

The check boxes are now displayed in the PDF file and the free font free mono is embedded, so there should be no licensing issues as in the Arial Unicode MS. (That being said, it's time for the answer to question 2)

answer to question 2: To change the font
free mono (or other) embedded in the PDF, the following three steps are necessary.

  • Step 1 - Create a font metrics file from the TrueType font file FreeMono.ttf
  • Step 2 - Create a FOP configuration file that controls the embedding of the font
  • Step 3 - Calling FOP using the produced
from the TrueType font file must FreeMono.ttf a font metrics file: Configuration file

step 1. The following call creates the file freemono.xml:

 java-cp% CLASSPATH% org.apache.fop.fonts.apps.TTFReader FreeMono.ttf freemono.xml 

Step 2: The
Font Metrics file must be included in a FOP configuration. This is the following example assumes that below. \\ Lib the fop.jar, the following configuration file, the True Type Font Metrics File FreeMono.ttf and file are freemono.xml. Here is an example of the fop-config.xml file:

 \u0026lt;xml version = "1.0"?> 
\u0026lt;fop version="1.0">
\u0026lt;base>. / lib \u0026lt;/ base>
\u0026lt;source-resolution> 72 \u0026lt;/ source-resolution>
\u0026lt;target-resolution> 72 \u0026lt;/ target-resolution>
\u0026lt;default-page-settings height="297mm" width="210mm"/>
; \u0026lt;renderer mime="application/pdf">
; \u0026lt;value> flate \u0026lt;/ value>
\u0026lt;filter / list> ;!
\u0026lt;- Here Free Unicode fonts of the project Free UCS outline fonts are used ( see
                <font metrics-url="fop-freemono.xml" kerning="yes" embed-url="FreeMono.ttf">
                    <font-triplet name="FreeMono" style="normal" weight="normal"/>
        \u0026lt;/ Renderer>
\u0026lt;/ renderers>
\u0026lt;/ fop>

says now is also from where came the answer to Question 1 the name of the font-family. He is the property of the specified font-triplet.

Step 3: Using
To the FOP configuration file, it must be specified when calling FOP as parameters: java-jar

 \\ lib \\ fop.jar-c \\ lib \\ fop-config.. . xml output-with-boxes.pdf 

further details in answer to question 2 may be found.

Saturday, February 13, 2010

I Used Expired Vigamox

checkboxes in XSL-FO

checkboxes in an XSL-FO document can fairly easily with the Unicode symbols ☐ BALLOT BOX (U +2610), BALLOT BOX CHECKED ☑ (U +2611) and ☒ BALLOT BOX MARKED X (U +2612) be generated. The following code results in the results below.

 \u0026lt;fo:block height="9pt"> 
\u0026lt;fo:inline margin-right="5pt">
\u0026lt;fo:inline font-size="11pt"> & # x2612; \u0026lt;/ for: inline> Male \u0026lt;/ for: inline>
\u0026lt;for: inline font-size = "11pt"> & # x2610; \u0026lt;/ for: inline> Female \u0026lt;/ for: inline>
\u0026lt;/ for: block>

a result, it should in a browser that supports Unicode look like this:

☒ Male ☐ female

If your browser does not support Unicode (eg IE5) they will have on the line before seen any checkboxes. Actually it should look like this:

Monday, January 25, 2010

Ward Lab Five Answers

When accessing elements of a nodeset by [x] data type of x eighth

sometimes hide mistakes very well. In the following code to such an error has hidden:

\u0026lt;xsl:variable name="position">
\u0026lt;xsl: value-of select = "count (preceding:: bar) +1" / xsl>
\u0026lt;/: variable>
\u0026lt;xsl:apply-templates select="$my-node-set[$position]"/>

The code above is to count the number of bar elements, and then from the node set $ node-set my-element process, that at the position is equal to the number of bar elements.

of the variable "position" might be assumed initially that it would represent a figure. As you notice when you run the code ', but this is not the case. It is from the variable $ my-node-set is always the first node selected.

fact, position of type string and must be before it can be used with [] are transformed into a number. This is right:


\u0026lt;xsl:variable name="position">
\u0026lt;xsl: value-of select = "count (preceding:: bar) +1 "/>
\u0026lt;/ xsl: variable>
\u0026lt;xsl:apply-templates select="$my-node-set[ number($position) ]"/>
. ..

with number () is from the string a number and then flips up to access the node in the nodeset at the desired location.

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Sims 2 Wrestling Cinglets

What to do if xsl: attribute name = "xmlns" does not work?

can be an element in an XSLT assign a namespace attribute. The following test fails: \u0026lt;xsl:attribute name="xmlns"> Why this is so, says Jeni Tennison ( msg00656.html ).

It proposes several alternatives, but does not mention the XSLT 2.0 version:

\u0026lt;xsl:namespace name="bar" select="''"/>
\u0026lt;xsl:namespace name="" select="''"/>

that the root element of the generated result document, a default namespace xmlns = "" and namespace xmlns: bar = "" be generated.

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Can You Grow Saffron Indoors

budget transparency as a contribution to the (good) Local Governance

(c) 2009 Armin King

first Introduction
99 percent of citizens have never taken an insight into a municipal budget. Accordingly, the interest of the citizens is to the laid financial plans, including statutes and preliminary zero. Only the municipal and Ortsrat ¬ members can be considered as regular household reader, plus a part of municipal employees. Gunnar Schwarting has pointed out that the existing instruments on financial transparency so far "not been seriously used" are. The interest of the citizens would have on the finances of their city or municipality Ge ¬ actually be great.
There is hardly any area of local politics, is not financially dependent on ¬. The citizens ¬ like this is especially aware of when municipal services are restricted or for reasons of budgetary consolidation eliminated entirely. "The com ¬ municipal budget management is increasingly becoming just below the GE ¬ ¬ genwärtigen macroeconomic economic constellations of meaning. At the same time there are increasing demands of an informed, society 'or of' responsible citizen ', the principle of publicity budget manageable Be ¬ rich to give his community more effectiveness. "Nearly two decades ago, that Kurt Reding has written this.
Citizens are mature and confident, the information society has become Rea ¬ ity, but a full budget disclosure and transparency has also failed as the civil interest.
In this work is to set out cursorily that budget transparency is not only appropriate but also necessary for good governance that they are on the demo ¬ democracy and the rule of law and freedom of information and establishes tend to a sensitivity to the confidentiality Arkantradition the Ver ¬ precludes administration. According to the description of good "local governance" is shown to what extent budget transparency already been fulfilled and in the interests of good governance can be extended and improved.

second The terms of the (Good) Governance - national and local
The term governance comes from the Anglo-Saxon institutional economics and was taken over by the political science and sociology. In the German political science literature called Governance "Governance in complex regulatory systems."
depends "Basically, the interest of the governance debate to the way in which collective action in politics, society or the economy is coordinated and how effective different forms of institutional arrangements This has been expressed. "
Good Governance as a clarification of governance is a term used in development policy, which has effective compliance with government standards for sustainable and equitable policies to content, the" all levels of the people in an appropriate way to benefit. " A working definition of good governance includes the Cotonou Agreement between the EU and the ACP States:
"In a political and institutional environment in which human rights, democratic principles and the rule of law are respected, is good governance is the transparent and accountable management of human, natural, economic and financial resources and her commitment to a balanced and sustainable development. It entails clear decision-making procedures for public authorities, transparent and accountable institutions, the primacy of law in the management and allocation of resources and capacity building for elaborating and implementing measures aiming in particular to prevent and combat corruption. "(Cotonou Agreement, Article 9, para . 3)
concept and importance of good governance can be transferred to the federal and regional level in Europe. For the purpose of acting out of political inter-governmental and non-state actors have absolutely depends on participation and information. Understanding on common interests, is made by mediation or negotiation forms whose common goal or barter are carried compromises. Governance arrangements are generally associated with a reduction of the influence of classical politics and administration. The state waived the usual dominant role. Instead, he typically takes the Interdependenzmanagement. This means that organized the public sector and the management and policy formation and decision-coordinated regional players, but they are not outnumbered.
Local (Good) Governance refers to the interaction, self-control and coordination of state and non-state actors in the sense of a shared, communicative, consensus-based action at the local level. Public sector, politics, business, associations and citizens to act in a network-like network among themselves to achieve social goals in the interest of the community, but also contribute to their own interests in the discussion. A representative portion of the citizens to be involved in consultations, planning processes, and (usually neighborhood-related) decisions. Their goal is "joint responsibility for democracy and quality of life locally. According to prevailing opinion
promises sustainable local governance through participation of many interested citizens more support for democracy and its forms of organization and mutual recognition.
most important indicators of good local governance are regularly oriented, accountable and responsible Release action, equal participation of all social classes within the meaning direct participation, gender equality, open debate on the opportunities and problems for creative solutions to the proposals of the "official" policy and administration vary, an effective and responsive policy and management, partnership in dialogue processes, coordinated participation and decision-making between politics and administration, goals and visions that go beyond ad hoc solutions in the short term actions for existing problems .
local governance requires transparency, mutual acceptance and negotiations on equal terms. The actors have the right to get out. Impact studies should examine the effectiveness of control and its rules. This shows that participation, transparency and communication are based on regional, urban and local governance arrangements.

third Transparency in the democratic constitutional state

transparency is one of the oldest and most important precepts of democracy. It is based on the principle of democracy ¬ (Article 20, paragraph 2 GG) and the Rechtsstaatsprin ¬ zip (Article 20, paragraph 3 GG), two central constitutional principles of the Basic Law.
that all state power derived from the people (Article 20, paragraph 2 GG), a "fundamental democratic order and set ¬ expression of the principle of popular sovereignty" is. But if all power emanates from the people, "so if in the democracy of the Basic Law originally only legitimate rule, which is the people, then this rule requires, like any other for its own sake claim a maximum of information." Only then is a "free and open communication and opinion formation process" is possible, which leads not only in elections but also in political decisions.
This is a "multifaceted and complex interplay between voters and their elected representatives, Citizens and public authorities with relevant feedback effects. Majorities can change in this ongoing process as well as political priorities. The Federal Constitutional Court has therefore noted in its established case law on the fundamental importance of freedom of opinion and will formation ¬.
With the principle of democracy is closely linked to freedom of information. Free political ¬ Scheme decision-making is information from open and public communication before ¬. Without information, no communication, no communication no will and opinion, without free will and opinion, no democracy.
information freedom is constitutive of democracy, was standardized as the Federal Constitution ¬ tional Court in its established case law. Every citizen has the right "to inform himself without hindrance from generally accessible sources" itself (Article 5 § 1 GG). This, the sources are in principle accessible. So far, wa ¬ ren in key areas can not generally accessible.
still maintains the "state secret" his Arkantradition, can governments and traditional authorities reluctant to look in the maps and books. "The administration defends tough its claim to the common good without disturbing the action of the vol ¬ kes concretize" criticizes Hans Peter Bull, the "rule of confidentiality in administrative law ", which was supported by case law, the administrative courts, the rulers have always been encouraged in their practice to publish only the information that they deem appropriate.
contrary to the Wegener: "If knowledge is justified sovereignty, it must be the Wis ¬ sen affairs of the state of democracy in a general community as possible. As to "special state organs' power exercised a merely derivative, so is also generated by these institutions and managed knowledge of a rule that [sic] principle to the people and thus entitled to the public". Even Jürgen Habermas has referred to it. "The bourgeois public stands or falls with the principle of universal access," he wrote in his classic The Structural Transformation of the Public ¬ speed.
"The need for transparency is fed not only from the principle of democracy, but from a closely related, more fundamental principle of German ¬'s constitution: the rule of law (Article 20, paragraph 3, Article 28 paragraph 1 sentence 1 GG) transparency, the means transparency of state action, recognition of the State will, determination of state laws and prohibitions, which are basic needs ¬ tions for the Rechtssaat who wants to be a rational state. "
So that the main reasons for transparency in the democratic rule of law are met: That the people, if it intends to state authority, mandatory ¬ relies primarily on a information and communication, that the information is understandable and make the action of the state see through that information in time and completely done before facts are established that there is no domination ¬ know must be only for governments, because the sovereign, the people, not the executive is that without information no communication, no communication no will and opinion, without free will and no opinion ¬ ne democracy is possible.

4th The transparency in the European Union
Germany has long had trouble with the transparency of governments and administrations. It was the European Community, the cherdienste on this issue and has made the pacemaker ¬ Germany pushed for more transparency. Develop ¬ decisive for this were the Aarhus Convention and the EC Environment Information ¬ directive of 7 June 1990. In particular, the Environmental Information Directive, a Pa ¬ initiated of paradigm. This can also be the administration in Germany did not withdraw any longer. The implementation of this directive on environmental information in German law in the Environmental Information Act (UIG), the principle of public ¬ sensitivity of this information in the German law "was added. This has significant consequences for the previously used in Germany the principle of confidentiality ¬ sensitivity of administrative action. "The sensitivity previously accepted rule-exception relationship of confidentiality and the public is ¬ ¬ vice versa." Thus, the environmental law to the forefront "of a general move towards freedom of information and a general prin ¬ ciple maximum administrative transparency" was. For it was not in environmental law.
Immediately afterwards joined a socio-political debate about general freedom of information, which resulted in freedom of information laws of the Federation and several countries. The executive branch must now meet the demands for transparency. This is an Essential EU policy that was implemented in German law: the principle of transparency should help to ensure that "decisions are taken as openly as possible '. It formulated a set of access to information, whereas regulation of the EC.
"Openness enables better participation of citizens in Entscheidungspro ¬ process and ensures greater legitimacy, efficiency and accountable to the citizen in a democratic system. Openness contributes to strengthening the principles of democracy and respect for basic arithmetic ¬ te, Article 6 of the EU Treaty and the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union ¬ enshrined. (EU 10049/2001, whereas set 2)
transparency is thus an essential part of the European Community ¬ properties promoted good governance.

5th Democracy and transparency, "All politics is local" at the local level
, writes Jörg Bogumil. For the citizens it is the level that they understand and experience directly. Local concretized what was decided at a higher level, especially where money is involved.
Almost all areas of local politics are financially dependent. The citizens have in the past Years, experienced intense. Cuts in public tenders, the closing ¬ developing other bathrooms, the merger of schools - all this has been justified by the limitations ¬ kung financial performance. Whether this is still given, should be invested where and if not, how much the formation of a community's worth, how important sport and culture, such as high staff costs of a municipality is, all this can be seen in the budget. It involves a lot of money and its distribution to financial and economic priorities ¬ th in a community, for resources, projects, priorities and programs.
"The budget is one of the most important planning tools for municipalities. He has several functions at once: With his income, expenditure, fixed liabilities, income and expenses in detail. "The budget is a framework for the management of the municipality is given. The budget authorizes the administration expenses of the funds available to make, if received to cover the revenue needed. "He thus fulfills an important control function financial Art Directly connected with the con ¬ trol function for the House, because the administration is bound by a decision on the budget and its requirements.
is at least as important "political program function" of the budget because of providing financial resources to set priorities to meet municipal functions. The court says that the budget "includes a government program in law and government policy reflected in figures. Household items are essential for the implementation of political tasks. Untitled no means no means no project, everybody knows that the mayor and each council.
ie, that "the modern state exercises its power to a large extent by money, either by the fact that the citizen shall be deprived of money by taxes, the fact that the citizen shall be allocated to particular social benefits and subsidies is money." Add to this the financing of infrastructure. This applies not only to the Federal and State level but also for the local political arena. Finally, the public sector as employer, as a customer and, thus working as a regional economic asset. This also works on money. Gröpl is therefore concluded, "are the modern state qualifies as a financial state" that can exercise the power in this way.
exercise of power but requires legitimacy.
The budget law is the sovereign right of Parliament. "It is essential to the essence of parliamentary democracy that the Parliament as an elected representative to the Performance of work necessary financial requirements and decides on its cover. Therefore, the Parliament, the budget authority;. It includes be ¬ final decision on the budget in the form of a law "
In preparing the budget by the executive, the principles of budget accuracy, the financial clarity, the financial integrity and the budget unit must be observed and the recommendations of the economy and thrift. This crucial stakes for the policy of a state are taken.
The Federal Constitutional Court found that "the financial statement related binding down the use of the public, mainly services by the citizens of funds raised so outstanding and the interests of all citizens most strongly affecting important [come] that it be placed in a democracy only in the hands of the people's representatives "could.
The council is not a parliament, but an organ of local self-government, but it also stands as the budget law to parliament as one of the most important influence on local politics. "By the community council on the design of expenditure taking into account the revenue is available, it sets policy priorities." By the accounts and in Controlling the budget of the council may review whether the administration has moved in the democratically adopted budget. Since both the budget debate and the discussion and decision on the budget bill and the relief of the Civil ¬ are public champion, the population has the opportunity to challenge the legality of administrative action to check the fiscal level.

6th Theory and practice of financial transparency
The municipal budget is public. Every citizen has the right to information on the contents. He does not restrict ¬ ken on secondary information, the administrative, political or the media are common. Rather, each residents view the local budget during the period of public interpretation, which is mandatory in all local constitutions. Goebel in 1990 but cautioned that it in practice, very rarely ¬ th is exercised, Schwarting confirmed this again in 2007. The participation of the population holds budget meetings of the councils are limited. In these budget sessions provide majority and opposition factions ¬ ¬ tions in budget speeches focus of policy dar. These meetings shall not last hours of the opposition, demanded accountability. By the local press media public is prepared in principle to all Citizens have access. Even in public budget meetings so that budget transparency is practiced - but often without an audience. It is therefore not accessible to the community institutions, have been promised if transparency is not set will, but also from a lack of public interest.
Despite this lack of public interest are a number of municipalities went on the offensive and try to present their financial data to understand - for the council and for the public to prove that the budget is not a "closed book".
A flexible instrument is the preliminary report, which is essential to the household. It offers the opportunity to key data, political priorities, trends of revenue and expenditure, debt developments, per capita expenditure on culture, sports, libraries, and also for investment or personal vividly portray. Concise summaries, tables, graphs allow not only the financial sector but also local politics to present transparent. Moreover, tried for years to prepare figures of the budget for the population in brochures, leaflets to local news journal or similar publication.
that therefore the public relations management is connected and that a summary is always subjective, do not be concealed. Habermas has the in The Structural Transformation of the Public problematized in detail. However, it is important and right, when authorities try to make the information clear and easy on the budget and "to the electorate," which is ultimately the sovereign. The goal is ideally to stimulate yes just to the public discourse of the citizens and do not seek acclamations, as Habermas assumed.
The potential subjectivity of the financial management publications is anyway not the key problem. More important in terms of financial transparency are other deficiencies.
Since 1990, the budgets are not transparent but become opaque because often used an escape in addition to homes and shadow budgets has, since the debt of the capacity of communities gert ¬ and economic activities on their own holdings and subsidiaries "outsourced" have. Many mayors, treasurers and their administrations have this flight in addition to households, which in principle not be met, more out of necessity began as a voluntary, often advised by accounting firms that recommended for tax reasons or to outsource debt this way. Here is a counter-development is needed: Group-consolidated balance sheets and investment reports, which is required to be as open as the classic budget, is to ensure that is chamberlain of the actual budget, financial and information assets.
Gröpl complained that the budget accuracy and the predictive power of households "in particular by the crisis in the financial and democratic welfare state" would be harmed. Democratically elected parliaments and governments "of whatever stripe" were unable "to keep at them supported calls on spending in check. When it comes to the voters favor when it comes to the 'political survival' is, it regularly to make concessions, "writes Gröpl critical. In such an environment, "the temptation is great to balance the budget through conscious or at least negligent failure to produce forecasts and to comply in this manner, the debt limits. " Another problem is the "atomization" of the budget because of an "excessively strong single estimate" by the Spezialisationsprinzip. This does not lead to transparency, but "a detail that overlooks not even entirely of experts" could be.
The debate over the new municipal budget and finance (NKF) is at least the opportunity for greater budget transparency and better controlling ¬ rem.
The representation of the real assets of a municipality, Res ¬ sumption of real targets and indicators with comparisons should provide for supply ¬ administration, Council and citizens a better information base, strengthen the economic sustainability and increase transparency. this in a concise and readable consolidated balance sheet of the municipality, it facilitates ¬ inform the Council scrutiny and political choices and the citizens leads to active participation. This is precisely the new political ¬ tables governance approach also wanted to: that the residents take an active civil society in the sense of responsibility for their community.
The budget is not only a few insiders in the administration and policy to, but all citizens. The community is therefore required to ensure transparency and public awareness of the inhabitants.
Doppik but does not necessarily lead to greater transparency and greater participation of citizens, it has been pointed Schwarting. What matters is how serious it is an administrative order to put all the data and facts to present them understandable to identify relationships and eventually open discussion about the consequences. This can include restrictions on the services offered include, if they are communicated properly.

7th Fiscal transparency as a core element of good governance
"Fiscal transparency is a core element of good governance," writes the International Monetary Fund (IMF 2001). This is not only internationally, but ¬ but also nationally, regionally and locally.
budget transparency ideally ensures that more people get more information on the actual budgetary and financial situation of their city or town. This is generally an important prerequisite to make the right decisions and to manage sustainably. It is used in the rest of the public discourse if all the necessary information available when necessary Hen ste ¬. These include the mayor and the Council as governing bodies of the municipality, They also include the citizens. The questions to be asked and need to be answered are: "What can we afford?" And "how we must act to ensure the personal responsibility of the municipality in finan ¬ cial point in the long run? With transparency and the neces ¬ essary information can be "a democratic open dispute about the right way to be out."
This is not always easy and not always pleasant. "More knowledge makes decisions is not always easy. In the past, often been pursued goals and decided which to consider the costs of secondary importance ¬ GE has played. "If these now shown transparent, this changes the business processes needs basis for policy decisions by the Council and for the actions of the administration.
budget transparency enables future, the banks have more insight than before, for local authorities is not necessarily beneficial in all cases. Still no budget passes transparent way.

8th Transparency in the budget as a contribution to the (good) local governance - are practical recommendations

Why budget transparency and good governance at all necessary? Why did they move increasingly into the spotlight?
The financial crisis has left many municipalities skid marks. Because empty coffers forced many cities and towns to withdraw from social, cultural and social fields but also in economic activity. The New Steering Model (NSM) should help with a customer-friendly, lean government, the core competencies to be able to better meet. Through privatization and liberalization, citizens should receive benefits faster and cheaper. Not infrequently offer was deleted entirely. This has led to further alienation between citizens and government, citizens and communities. In addition, the NSM is administratively centered far too strong. The policy is limited in its functions, the citizens are used as primary customer perceived.
The international model of governance approaches in budgetary policy is the "participatory budget" of Porto Alegre in Brazil. Here, the population was not only fully informed about "the implementation of the last budget, ongoing investment projects and the amount currently existing funds. The citizens had to take the opportunity to influence the draft budget and the investment plan and the distribution of resources between the districts. This "is a clear material incentive was created for the people to organize themselves politically in order to establish specific projects in the city budget." Is the consensus "in a complex discussion and negotiation process. "
Internationally there are many different models to organize a participatory budget, the transfer of a certain financial ratio of the investment budget to districts (Issy les Mourlieaux) on strategic financial planning and priority development in cooperation with the citizens (Christ Church, Blarney) up to a far-reaching " transfer of ownership and responsibility directly to the stakeholders "within the meaning of a" State Mutual "(State Mutual), many variations are possible. The first German citizen households show positive effects.
communities, paving the way for participatory budgeting still shy, you can still do a lot of transparency to allow the budget.
are first to ensure clarity and household budget accuracy, even by complete representation of all key figures. This can be done in the preliminary report to the budget. He offers to keep all essential data for the financial development of a community open display: revenue, expenses, liabilities, cash advances, priorities, trends in expenditure, disproportionate increases in energy costs, ratios, all of which will be published proactively. In the double-entry bookkeeping is also essential to the use of resources. Should be addressed not only the Council members, but the entire population.
is far under-developed communication of the audit, in which the administration accountable. The audit played a far smaller role than the budget. It just should be the implementation of the budget for council and citizens of particular interest. In the interest of a regular presentation of the budget implementation to provide controlling reports to the Council and possibly the population. Also in this issue goes beyond the double-entry the previous cameralistic practice, since the future is above all the income of greater importance.
citizens usually do not act altruistically, this has been demonstrated in several studies. "Why should Citizens think and act unselfishly, where it is granted any investor to increase his individual benefit? Quite the contrary, be attached to the personal interests of the stakeholders is a key success factor for strengthening civic engagement. " Bogumil proposes incentives to encourage citizens to care for their household and to engage.
municipalities to make public its preliminary report on local news pages and make the whole household to the Internet, make it clear that the budget is not a secret plan, which belongs only to a few initiates. With its media disclosure, he is public property. The widened " the knowledge base for decision-making in the local parliaments through creative, sometimes more economical solutions that come from the population. "
publicity creates in the economy such as transparency - for administration, policy, local economy, but also for municipal supervision, neighboring communities, for clubs, associations, interest groups and media. The Federal Constitutional Court in terms of special charges noted in a guiding principle that "the Parliament and the public through full documentation of the special taxes ... a bid effective parliamentary scrutiny and democratic legitimacy of planning and decision on the financial mobilization of citizens for public services "is. This is true not only for special duties, but for all the key points of the budget.
transparency makes possible many treasurers and mayors are still afraid, because they must uncover the cards and thus are afraid to have less power to shape. But this is only one side of the coin. Because transparency can also mean "less pressure to justify" and thus relieve policy and administration. We have had the experience that transparency contributes to reduce their demands in particular societies at a realistic level. So far, well supplied
groups (eg fire) However, come under pressure to justify themselves in matters of facilities and organization. This is the element of equity into the game, which is already checked in a democracy again and again.

9th Conclusion
with transparency in the budget in many ways to good government and administrative practice. We recommend:
first Budgets must be clear. You must meet the principles of financial clarity and budget accuracy and completeness.
second Households are public. The community should therefore make the offensive key data public without actually these are handled by media be. Revenue, expenses, liabilities, cash advances, priorities, trends in expenditure, disproportionate increases in energy costs, figures should be published proactively. In the double-entry bookkeeping is also essential to the use of resources. Addressees are not only the Council members, but the entire population.
third A publication on the internet creates transparency for all.
4th The locality-based call-up of residents' meetings may serve to give an account of the recent budget. In addition, basic principles and details of the current budget and the investment plans explained and discussed with the citizens.
5th The preliminary report is no Compulsory exercise, but an opportunity for the top management and the treasurer, problems, opportunities, perspectives and complex issues understandable to all employees, council members and citizens present.
6th Metrics, benchmarking and product information, explain relationships and let figures and data are more understandable.
7th Transparent budgets point to responsibilities. They promote the responsible use of human, natural, economic and financial resources and sustainable policies, because transparency also increases the need for justification for expenditure.
8th Incentive systems for citizens, associations, Business and organizations can increase the willingness to participate in budget preparation and advice.
9th Budget transparency is an effective recipe against waste and corruption. It is therefore ethically appropriate and necessary.


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All rights

the author / author: Armin King
/ article: budget transparency, contributing to the (good) Local Governance
/ author (alias): A. King / Armin Koenig / A. Koenig

Men Masterbatin I Public

publications Armin King

demographics projects Illingen 2030 - No fear of shrinkage due to openness, innovative ideas and civic participation . Congress report for the December Conference 2009 "Diversity of demographic change" of the German Society for Demography (DGD) and the BBSR in Berlin. (Peer reviewed)

youth participate. From vacancy to JUZ - a success story: politics as an opportunity for young people. In: JPP online. URL:

strengthen local democracy: time for community-based approaches. Ownership awaken, promote citizenship, increase social capital: the civic community - Renaissance of an idea. In: Local Blätter (KOPO), vol 61, H. 02/09, p. 37-39.
Local Leadership: Image and requirements for successful local politician. In: ZPB (2009) 2: 308-317; (peer reviewed)

Controversial discussion with Civil Society as a project: Rhetorical flourish or groundbreaking reform project. In: JPP online. URL:

Motivating The Population To Cope With The Demographic Change. Presentation for the International Urban Planning and Environment Conference 2009 in Kaiserslautern (peer reviewed).

participation deficits as a management error in business and administration and its prevention through improved communication. In: Administration & Management, 15 Born 3 / 2009, p. 160-162.

From vacancy to Illinger JUZ: Participatory politics as an opportunity for young people. In: Saarland local magazine 59. Born (2009) 11/2009.

what citizens want. Civil society as an inspiration for policy and administration. In: Saarland. Municipal Journal (SKZ), Vol 59, No. 2 / 09, p. 38-41.

we need public-value managers. In: Management & Management vol 14, 6 / 2008, p. 318-321.

The aging of society and the consequences for the municipalities in the Federation and the Saarland. A barely perceived demographic challenge with significant impacts. In: Saarland local magazine (SKZ) Vol 58, 10/2008, p. 243-250.