Thursday, January 21, 2010

Men Masterbatin I Public

publications Armin King

demographics projects Illingen 2030 - No fear of shrinkage due to openness, innovative ideas and civic participation . Congress report for the December Conference 2009 "Diversity of demographic change" of the German Society for Demography (DGD) and the BBSR in Berlin. (Peer reviewed)

youth participate. From vacancy to JUZ - a success story: politics as an opportunity for young people. In: JPP online. URL:

strengthen local democracy: time for community-based approaches. Ownership awaken, promote citizenship, increase social capital: the civic community - Renaissance of an idea. In: Local Blätter (KOPO), vol 61, H. 02/09, p. 37-39.
Local Leadership: Image and requirements for successful local politician. In: ZPB (2009) 2: 308-317; (peer reviewed)

Controversial discussion with Civil Society as a project: Rhetorical flourish or groundbreaking reform project. In: JPP online. URL:

Motivating The Population To Cope With The Demographic Change. Presentation for the International Urban Planning and Environment Conference 2009 in Kaiserslautern (peer reviewed).

participation deficits as a management error in business and administration and its prevention through improved communication. In: Administration & Management, 15 Born 3 / 2009, p. 160-162.

From vacancy to Illinger JUZ: Participatory politics as an opportunity for young people. In: Saarland local magazine 59. Born (2009) 11/2009.

what citizens want. Civil society as an inspiration for policy and administration. In: Saarland. Municipal Journal (SKZ), Vol 59, No. 2 / 09, p. 38-41.

we need public-value managers. In: Management & Management vol 14, 6 / 2008, p. 318-321.

The aging of society and the consequences for the municipalities in the Federation and the Saarland. A barely perceived demographic challenge with significant impacts. In: Saarland local magazine (SKZ) Vol 58, 10/2008, p. 243-250.


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