The middle class under pressure - now must be actively
a contribution of Armin King
It has been the pillar of society and thus the Stü tze of democracy: the middle class. But the foundation is crumbling. The rich (and the rich corporations escape) is increasingly the social and fiscal obligations in order to lead a life of indescribable (and ethically acceptable) luxury while the middle class is bleeding. Experienced a nightmare - as Paul Krugman has noted in 2002.
Marc Beise, has now discovered that the American phenomenon is now observed in Germany. "The new rich stock response is their palaces in the best residential area of Dusseldorf or Munich and occupied the approaches to Lake Starnberg and other beautiful lakes in the German southeast. Meanwhile, always slid more members the middle class into poverty from, especially families or even single mothers. Namely, children - how absurd! - Are in this society is still the best guarantee that you can pull no more "(25) Not only Marc Beise sees this as a scandal.. This is not just a perceived threat, but an actual crisis, which is also perceived differently.
Udo di Fabio speaks of the "oppressed third" (Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung No. 251 v. 28.10.2006) of the three-thirds society, Torsten Hänel of the unsettled Middle class (Hänel 2008: 19), Fabian Virchow of "uncertainty in the conditions of life" (Virchow, 2007: 216) of the middle class.
for "Business Week" (Wiwo) is the global problem of acute middle class, because the "worldwide financial crisis destroyed wealth and retirement" (15/2009 Wiwo title). The journal therefore speaks of the "expropriation of the middle class" (Wiwo 15/2009). Tichy warns in this context the "wrath of the citizens" (Tichy, 2009: 5): "For the world goes down, what has saved the middle class: the home falls in value, as well as the shares "(Tichy, 2009: 5).
Marc Beise criticized the failed priorities of German politics: "The middle class would be ideal to create prosperity for all, but it is still 'not tuned in political priority list. Once the weaker members of society, then again maybe the corporations because they have a good influence and promise jobs, and then afterwards, later ', is the Middle class to it. Later on - if that is not, never "(190) recommends
So Beise to help themselves.. He demands of the middle class, not to wait for the politicians, but to take even the issue in hand and to act responsibly - for our own good and to strengthen the market economy. " (192)
The "slow [s] the poison of self-abandonment" (192), he is acting against active: Those who, like the middle class, "has the right to know things better or u to be able to have in a state that the Protection of all the individuals, not the right auszuklingen itself. " motivate (192)
information, enable - and "risk free" (196), which are the most important suggestions is the Beise. He also recommends to refrain from things that do without undermining the solidarity of the citizens and now and then in the interest of the whole on a small advantage. Beise explicitly refers to Paul Kirchhof and make its recommendation to the barriers of the control and the right, behind and to venture a new beginning. This was not only an appeal to the Parliament, "but also a Call us to let the barriers behind us - even if it favors one or the other case, us. The German tax chaos, as did a boundless labor and a shattered right neighborhood, they eat all the effort of the numerous processes that people often only a small or smallest possible advantage sake. Must we always say, 'This is my right? When we say again: 'This is my duty' "(197)
This closes the circle again to the churchyard?. Such an attitude would only be possible then the current state and brilliant German tax law, when "the measure of justice," again respected. This also means that may escape the rich and the corporations with their obligations not longer.
Beise sings the praises of the power company because the only way wealth is possible, he argues for the "best education" (201), he calls for reconciliation between work and family , calls for mobility and flexibility, and a switch to network thinking. The decisive
Beise point is, however, if he demands of the middle class, not to shirk the arrogant political operation, but mitzumischen:
"to complain to the politicians is simple. to castigate the incompetence of the political class is profane. Yes, there is currently little economic expertise in the parliaments. But there are also hardly any political involvement. Especially the representatives of the middle class, so much needed in the Parliament lobby, resists the political responsibility. Not infrequently, there are good reasons for that must have been incurred. Frequently, however, the party political abstinence fed from an arrogant attitude: That I can do without. "(206-207)
contradicts the Süddeutsche Zeitung editor vehemently. "However, we are need if you want to turn in this country for the better. If not more economic expertise in the legislative bodies returning from the municipal to the state to federal level, then the situation will not change anything .... "(207)
must change, however slightly. "We have to succeed in the minds of the politicians back a sense of the vital importance of the middle class to anchor. "(208) The foundation stone was laid. More but not yet.
Marc Beise (2009): The plunder of the middle class: Alternatives to the current policy. Munich: DVA.
Fabio, Udo di (2006): The beleaguered third. In: Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung No. 251 v. 28.10.2006, p. 8
Faigle, Philip (2008): The fear is spreading. Online 05/03/2008.
Grabka, Markus M. Frick, Joachim R. (2007): distribution assets in Germany much more unequally than income. DIW Weekly Report, 74, No. 45/2007, 665-672
Grabka, Markus M. Frick, Joachim R. (2008): Shrinking Middle Class in Germany - signs of a permanent polarization of disposable income? DIW Weekly Report, 75, No. 10/2008, 101-108
Hänel, Torsten (2008): The Curse of the depression? From the Depression to the globalization crisis. München: Grin.
King, Armin (2010): The middle class is under pressure: URL:
Tichy, Roland (2009): The rage of the citizens. In: Business Week No. 15 v. 06.04.2009, p.
(c) 2010 Armin King
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