engagement policy in the civil society - a (ge) important book
Thomas Olk, Ansgar Klein, Hartnuß Birger (ed.): Commitment policy. The development of civil society as a political task. Publisher of Social Sciences (New York) 2010. 639 pages. ISBN 987-3-531-16232-4. D. 49,90 EUR.
(c) 2010 Armin King
And yet it moves - the engagement policy of the Federation. The statement by Susanne Lang is one of the major findings of a weighty anthology commitment to politics, Thomas Olk, Ansgar Klein and Birger have issued Hartnuß. The band is not only overweight and large, he describes the new policy field, with full and very competent. This is seen in renowned authors such as Jörg Bogumil, Lars Holtkamp, Josef Schmid, Michael House, Adalbert Evers, Heike Walk, Gerhard Igl, Arnd Bauerkämper, Karl-Werner Brand, Thomas Klie, Roland Roth, Thomas Rausch, and Gisele Jacob.
engagement policy is not effective enough. Meanwhile, the concept as a "panacea" against globalization, singled, and against Individualsierung politics to be usable. Even protect against the dominance of capitalism is to provide civil society. So that it is also very vague and ambivalent in their relationships to society and state.
engagement policy initially signaled significant changes in policy and society, as well as the state and the market arrangements with civil society play an important role. That this "Third Way" and his collaborations between the public sector, private citizens and required at all are, is related to deficits in the society and the state and an overload of traditional institutions. They are now dependent on cooperation with third parties and employees. But without preconditions does not.
has begun civil society engagement of the bourgeoisie in Germany at the beginning of the 19th Century with the Prussian City Ordinance 1808 and to Heinrich Friedrich Karl Freiherr kingdom and from the stone. With the "integration of the emerging middle class in the absolutist state" (recognition / Hammerschmidt, 66) and granting local self-government, the era of authoritarian distant civil commitment began - but still very slow and imperfect. The third sector remained dependent on state and / or market. "The second important (and second most important) action and organizational form of civic engagement" are associations, societies, circles, associations. These traditional forms of civic engagement have kept to this day.
At the beginning of the 21st Century - in fact, with the collapse of communism and the triumph of an extremely profitable and only weakly influenced socially Anglo-Saxon capitalism - became particularly the welfare-state system of the west under severe cost pressures and need for justification. This had consequences, first in the UK. Giddens' third way was the basis for a new orientation of social-democratic societies. The citizen should be "activated" to become involved as carriers of the society socially active and socially. From the UK, this trend was imported to Germany. Under Gerhard Schröder, the enabling state also implemented in the Federal Republic and is now commonplace.
The parties have identified as a programmatic commitment to policy guidelines and implemented. The most convincing are the Greens, not least because of their historical development. "Alliance 90/The Greens probably the most visible political democratic access to the subject of civil society," make small, Olk and Hartnuß overlooking the history of the green movement set to the point. The promotion of civil society at the same time limiting the state in terms of a deliberative, liberal politics is central to these efforts. More than other parties to push the greens accents the democratic political civic engagement. Participation, environmental fairness, and social security are to be connected to a "new social contract". The SPD spoke of solidary civil society and democratic state, the CDU is to a civil society, personal freedom, social responsibility and personal initiative within the meaning of Catholic social teaching and combines the social market economy and the people calling to express political and social commitment to responsibility. The CSU is active civil society and strong state in a common staple. Civil rights and civic duties are equally addressed. The Union as a whole is to encourage active civic society. Contrast, the topic remains in the FDP "marginal" (38). In the left "dominates the skepticism with respect to a commitment that is government-exploited for cost savings and displaced regular work" (39). Engagement policy is so obviously a classic folk-theme party. Clientele parties like the FDP and Links can therefore do little. In view of the FDP, this is unexpected, since (at least in part, liberal-conservative) bourgeoisie and liberalism their social and civic engagement in the past, it took advantage of bourgeois standards, order and values at the same time to transport with direct assistance. In the width of the society engagement policy has been established, which is also confirmed by the figures of the voluntary survey.
engagement policy has also a critical, oppositional side, which is becoming increasingly important.
information technology revolution, globalization, a "militant neo-liberalism", to the precarious middle class, environmental disaster and climate change "an astonishing array of grassroots movements, NGOs, trade unions and churches, of critical intellectuals and insider reformists, left-nationalist governments and peasant protest movements" in (Karl-Werner Brand, 146) to nationalist and anti-modernist movements the plan called to "tame the neoliberal globalization project in different ways or even to take them down." (146) Thus resulting new opportunities for citizen political engagement. It does not matter at first whether they humanistic, Christian-altruistic or by a private "pity liberal culture" (Werner Maas, 155) are marked and worn, or are set just critical of capitalism.
That the new importance of the engagement policy with its integration leads to a private citizen and control problems, analyze information Dr precise. He notes that "traditional management approaches are increasingly being questioned and the cooperation between actors from different origin for the generation of collective action can be required". (227) The is always difficult to manufacture and with high risks because of new forms of control not understand is who at what point a personal contribution to the success or failure of projects has done. The vagueness of political responsibilities in civil society leads to counterproductive effects. "Local governance is more and more as a risky investment in cooperative scale projects are understood." (227) where they ought to enable new forms of cooperation and legitimacy. House thus warns against an elevation of civic engagement.
Jörg Bogumil, Lars Holtkamp, Josef Schmid (with Christine Brick stone) and Susan Lang, the different levels of the engagement policy of the municipality over the lands to the federal government to focus its considerations on engagement policy in a federal system of Germany. Markus Held and Matthias Freise analyze the European level in comparative illustrations.
be a comprehensive description of different fields of the engagement policy. Education (Birger Hartnuß / Frank W. Heuberger), family policy (Martina Heitkötter / Karin Jurczyk), integration of migrants (Dietrich Thränhardt), labor market and employment policy (Dietmar Dathe / Eckhard Priller), health (Jürgen Matzat), nursing (Thomas Klie ) and environment (Heike Walk) are policies that carry some explosiveness.
In the final chapter visited Roland Roth, known for his participation-critical attitude, a "reform site" engagement policy as a democracy policy.
"engagement policy" despite the breadth of representation and the variety of authors, a collection with clean lines and consistently high quality standard. The book has the substance to the textbook-classic and is recommended without reservation.
see also:
www.arminkoenig.de /
political book blog:
engagement with civil society
http://politbuch.wordpress.com/2010/01/19/engagement-in- the civil society-is-as-new policy field /
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