Sunday, January 10, 2010

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civil society as an inspiration for policy and administrative

of Armin King

policy not to institutions, political parties or organizations made, not for corporations or unions, including for municipalities, but for citizens. The citizens should therefore have a say not only, but also to shape and influence. This goal have now taken the classic actors of representative democracy in its program. Participation is established as a principle and as a process. The possibilities of direct participation have been expanded throughout the country and local constitutions. This is a paradigm shift in German policy.
From the dualism policy and management is increasingly becoming a triangle citizens - management - policy, governance and management classic is complemented by SnOil Democracy beyond the state. Hubert Heinelt (2008) calls this "participatory governance and governance. Governance is a concept of political science literature, which has enjoyed ten years of increasing popularity.
It must be fair and just to go, so people are willing to commit itself to a partner in joint matters. Discursive procedures create a trust between the actors. Prerequisites are a dialogue of equals, a willingness to compromise, gender equality and the acceptance of rules. Thus, the citizens accept that it is constitutionally the municipal council the final say on decisions.
The parties must have full access to information, knowledge and at least the media that allow them to participate in the opinion forming and decision-making process. Participation is used for communication between citizens, politicians and public, contributes to self-determination and self-realization of citizens, as well as in the control and distribution of power. Also, the quest for identity and identification plays in the process of participation an important role.
that these are not just theoretical and normative statements, has been in the Saarland model in the future project "Illingen 2030 tested. In an extensive participatory process with over 700 participants proved to be citizens as ideas for policy and administration. The partnership between civil society, politics and administration work, a series of proposals from the seven workshops has now been translated into concrete policies and investments. But participation has its limits.
Citizens want within the meaning of Voltaire order your own garden, but with visions and missions, with holistic thinking and networked constellations they have not got anything. That is the task of a strategic municipal management. Also, art projects and innovations that do not conform to mass taste, but can provide unique features to realize is not easy. Still worth it
participation. It strengthens the legitimacy of local politics and increase transparency. Therefore, to be presented at this point, some experiences from the Illinger project because they can be transferred to other municipalities.
was worth noting the wealth of ideas, which brought the citizens. Apparently there were specific improvements in the districts to build a new sports performance center all facets of local policy suggestions. They involved upgrading of facilities, cooperation, innovation, the availability and accessibility of social responsibility, primary care, environmental ideas, savings proposals, events, marketing campaigns and much more.
as positive was the fact that the citizens been made familiar through transparent and comprehensive information, with the main forms of demographic change and that they had the opportunity, are already in the home environment or in a club deal with the issue.
was in the classical field are in short consolidation proposals. Then neither proposals were made to the closure of facilities or merger proposals. Also ideas for cutting red tape were not expressed. The subject came up only generally addressed.
With many hopes are invested in civic participation. It promises, ideally, more transparency, greater willingness of citizens identify with their community (Holt 2006: 185), more Support for democracy and its forms of organization and mutual recognition. But there are also negative votes.
Yannis Papadopoulos sees the danger that democratically elected politicians who have to justify to the public and can be dropped in governance arrangements "in competition with other actors [are] not have the democratic legitimacy (experts) or may rely only on a sector-specific authorization (representatives of interest groups) or delegation (senior administrative officer) "(Papadopoulos 2004: 220)..
shall also be problematic, often not all that "social were met: Groups in the same way "(240 Holtkamp & Bogumil, 2007). Citizens' juries and similar forms of participation for the residents were "more of a voice for actors already committed and assertive" (Holt 2006: 199). Someone should "take seriously the risk that governance exacerbate the tendency towards a democratic elite rule also" would (Papadopoulos 2004: 220). And one has to be considered realistically, "the actor expected resistance and the ever-escalating municipal budget crisis" (Holt & Bogumil, 2007: 241). Coined this is mainly due to the political games and the Council's political groups on the one hand and the restrictions imposed by the municipal supervision on the other hand, administrations and councils bind.
Ultimately, the success of participation depends on how seriously the political and administrative participation and whether they are willing to share power with those who participate in projects with hands-on activities of the municipality.


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