Friday, January 1, 2010

Why Put Ketchup In Refrigerator

Courage, Chancellor! Do you trust the people something to


Courage Chancellor - you trust the citizens to something!

In Political Science on January 1, 2010 at 10:15

Uwe Jean Heuser (2009): What will become of Germany: The mission of the economic policy. Frankfurt / M.: Campus. ISBN 978-3-593-39068-0. 16,90 €.

reviewed by Armin King

because someone in power in Berlin? The timidity of the black-yellow coalition desire increasingly irritated by the public. This is where Uwe Jean Heuser, head of the economics department TIME. He is considered one of the most renowned German business journalist and has a profound knowledge of German domestic politics. With its reform workshop he drove around ten years ago in the time the light of new opportunities in politics, administration and economy. At that time, decided to Gerhard Schröder, with a steady hand to govern, even though there was all round crisis. Now is crisis, and still remains in the Chancellor's Office to hand too quiet. She makes too little. They could. Do you trust the people something to propose Heuser before the Chancellor. Then he sees prospects for a more efficient, greener and fairer society.

"This This book is an invitation to Angela Merkel and her to be radical. Radical in an effort to tame banks and entrepreneurs to free radical in the fight for more work and more fairness in the struggle for radical climate change. "(8) to act pragmatically and Resolut the Chancellor. But that she did not always have the best experience. And it is found Heuser, I fear that the policy before the voters, at least since the election in 2005, when Angela Merkel as the winner looked safe and then the finish was shaking. The union was disappointed by the chancellor and her honesty, but also disappointed the ungrateful voters, the honesty is not rewarded.

opposition says Heuser, because "as simple citizens are not knitted. Behind the opposition to higher taxes or lower benefits is especially suspicious. The citizens would be much more willing to do their mite if they believed that other channels must also. "(24), this trust is no longer available. "Who would not blame the people in the face of compliance (or schools bliss) with which the government is sometimes specific interests. If you like, for example, join at an environmental tax, from the largest carbon dioxide sinners are excluded? Or who is a tax reform, such as holding the year 2000 for justice for years as a consequence, many companies pay no taxes and more cities and towns being brought into financial difficulties "(24)

Heuser aptly analyzed . He shows empirically that the Germans have not lost in the crisis of confidence in the social market economy - quite the contrary. For as bad Merkel and Steinbrueck have not even responded to the crisis. But we are in the midst of the crisis, as the Chancellor of the year 2009/2010 discovered - an ideal opportunity to go brave new ways. Here, a three-Lang is considered: equity, sustainability and economic success.

means: sharp down rules for banks, even at the risk that they howl, freedom for entrepreneurs to go with new ideas to market and give priority to climate protection and green ne energy. And above all, justice must be - in the sense of fairness, "an extremely important value in this country." (27) come out now, "in line with the future to live - first in the environment, Secondly, monetary stability and financially manageable national debt. "(27)

Heuser preaches not like other debt at all costs. Then the financial crisis would not have been managed.

The Germans are already good, says Heuser, such as climate protection. So they should take their lead. And they should cease to Fondling only the car industry because it is not the industry of the future.

Consequently, this means that Germany must I invent new and rebuilt.

And a tip of the Chancellor gives with Heuser: "All this need not be global." The Europeans should focus on their strengths and their own culture and bring innovative solutions to the road.

Uwe Heuser presents forward-looking proposals for a course correction in Germany: facilitate the founders of the enterprise, the banks take on the lead, green living and ruled against sustainability, have courage and trust to the citizens something - and justly. Not a bad recipe for a country in crisis, has enormous potential. The Government must use it.

(c) 2010 Armin King


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