Sunday, January 10, 2010

Can Wetting The Bed Be Because Of A Std?

is civil society as an inspiration (Armin King)

What citizens want: civil society as an inspiration for policy and administration at the instance of the project Illingen 2030

policy is made not for institutions, political parties or organizations, not for corporations or unions, even for cities and communities, but for citizens. The citizens should therefore have a say not only, but also to shape and influence. This goal have now taken the classic actors of representative democracy in its program. Participation is established as a principle and as a process. The possibilities of direct Participation have been expanded throughout the country and local constitutions. This is a paradigm shift in German policy.
Armin King Biographical

Annette Zimmer (2002): Civic engagement and civil society.

Brigitte Scourge (2007): On the (im) possibility of local governance with civil society: Concepts and empirical findings. In: Lilian Schwalb / Heike Walk (eds.):.. Local governance - transparency and citizens' Wiesbaden: VS p. 23-38

The discussion on local governance with the participation of civil society has in recent years an enormous .. upturn experienced, appropriate programmatic demands heard by many civil society actors, politicians, academics, international and supranational organizations (OECD, EU) Well-known politicians such as Ernst Ulrich von Weizsäcker argue for local governance to be strengthened by civil society (Weizsäcker 2005): " [We] need to Strengthen ... local governance through civil society ". And the World Urban Forum (2004), organized under the UN-Habitat Programs, states: "[O] ver the past two decades, a consensus has emerged over the critical importance of involving civil society in governance, Particularly at the local level ".


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